Friday, 30 January 2015

A Painful Operation & Recovery

Hello everyone :) So yesterday I had my operation and it actually hurt a lot more than I thought. I was sedated so not totally knocked out but I felt EVERYTHING to the point where they was going to stop but luckily I grabbed the nurse hand, breathed in and out a lot and closed my eyes and it was over. I never want to be sedated every again! It was awful, I've always been knocked out totally for all of my ops so I didn't know what to expect. I literally felt like I had someone stabbing my stomach while kicking it at the same time, thank god it didn't take long otherwise I defiantly would of made them stop. Seeing as the sedation didn't effect me I recovered in the ward so quick, I had tea and biscuits and got changed back into my clothes and was told to sit in the waiting room til the nurse calls me back to be discharged. 

It's only a day after but I'm feeling swollen, cramps and a very sore stomach. I haven't really eaten much proper food and sticking to light food and a lot of fluid at the mo. Compared to all my other operations in the past this one was meant to be the least painful and not so bad recovery but I feel like it's the worse. I think because I've had quite a lot operations for my age that whatever I have done it will just hurt anyways. I've ran out of all my medications but luckily my lovely mother is going to collect them otherwise I couldn't cope with the pain. Luckily I have the weekend and beginning of next week to rest and I hope I feel better soon as next Friday myself and Mother are going to stay in Essex for the weekend at Bethany's yay!! 

I had some biopsies taken yesterday during the op aswel (this op was to do with the bowel area without going into too much detail) so been told my GP will tell me the results in 3 weeks and also going back to see my surgeon in 4/6 weeks to discuss things more which I have no idea what about. I'm all over the place lately with my health to be honest. I'm not feeling myself lately, you know when you get to that point when you're so fed up that you blank out so much stuff. Il shall do an health update next month and keep you all up to date with the results of this op. Let's hope this will is my first and last op of 2015!! Saying that I was told I wouldn't need a operation last year and in a space of 5 weeks I've had two so you can never trust what the doctors say haha!!! 

Love Katie xx

Monday, 26 January 2015

Hospital Bag - Day Surgery

Having quite a fair few operations in my lifetime has meant I now what exactly what I need and don't need to pack for day surgery. Saying that I always take things I don't use just to be safe as you never know if they decide you have to stay in and I think it makes you feel better knowing you have stuff you might need if that makes sense. I just have a rule that I always get new pajamas and slippers for every operation I have purely because I like them to be clean and totally new. My operation in few days I haven't gotten new items as my last one was weeks ago but they have been cleaned washed and not been used since. So here is my checklist of what I pack into my hospital bag for a day surgery. Obviously if your staying it would be totally different but this is just a basic general idea of what to pack anyways...


  • Dressing Gown
  • Pajamas/Nightdress
  • Day Clothes/Causal 
  • Slippers (I prefer ballerina type ones)
  • Underwear and Socks 
  • Toothbrush/Tooth Paste
  • Shower gel/Shampoo/Conditioner (Always save sample sizes for this)
  • My Cleanser with a Flannel 
  • Deodorant/A Fragrant Spray
  • Hairbrush and Hairbands 
  • Baby wipes (Hate them for my face but if needs be I will use)
  • Hand Cream (Soap & Glory one)
Can I just say I never intent to even put make up on but incase I stay in longer ect 
  • Concealer
  • Brow Gel 
  • Mirror
  • Vaseline/Lip Balm
  • Eyelash Curlers
  • Powder

  • Notebook and Pen 
  • Phone Charger 
  • My Medication 
  • Small Amount Of Money (Car Park or the Shop you never know)
  • Magazine/Book (Although I never end up reading)
  • List of Previous Health Problems/Medication (Trust me sometimes they never have it on their notes and when they ask I never remember)
  • My Diary 

And that is it I think. It does sound like a bag you would pack for an overnight in a hotel doesn't it haha but you would be surprise how much you use from that list. On the day I wear jeggings/leggings, a loose top, my coat and Converse which honestly are so important as you feel so tired and weird from the op that when you go home you need comfort in converse when walking to the car. obviously gloves, scarfs  and hat as it is FREEZING. I manage to squeeze all of this into an Louis Vuitton bag which comes with an matching make up type bag so its ideal (this was given to me) I defo wouldn't never afford this haha) kind of similar to this link here. Also used a BIG weekend bags you get from Primark which are only £3/£5 and do this job just as well. I'm sure I will throw in more stuff just as I'm leaving the door haha and I take things I don't but its like a safety thing I get from packing stuff just incase. Is there anything you would or wouldn't pack or have any good tips to pack an hospital bag? 

Love Katie x 

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Just a little message...

I have just read in full Katie's negative comment post. Sorry for the late read my dear! Busy few days. 

This post touched me. Katie you are my sister in law and my best friend and to know the pain you are feeling every day is upsetting as you don't deserve it. I know how you have those bad days In which you struggle to get up and it makes me shiver when people have the cheek to call you lazy. I know you can't help it and I know how down it makes you feel when people right your condition off. Just because it ain't heard of a lot does not mean it doesn't exist and is not painful. Some people are very stuck on their ways and will not open their eyes to difference. 

I read the part where your upset because it is only early stages. I know the thought is terrifying, but you have so many possitives. At the moment it's not as it's worse so you can appreciate being able to be active And spending time with the girls. 

For now and in the future I want you to know that I will always be here for you morning noon and night, supporting you. In any way I can. And no matter how down you get I will always do my best to keep a smile on your face. Why? You ask. Because other than your brother no one has never just accepted me, and been a true honest friend, been there for a chat at all hours and has generally had a laugh with me. No other friend of mine has truely cared.  I hope you know that not only are you my sister in law but you are my true best friend too. 

I could have easily said all this by text yes . But I wanted to make this public number one for those other suffers that could relate to Katie's post I want you to know that not all of us this negatively of your condition there is always someone close to you that understand even if you don't know who yet. And number two because Katie is so thoughtful and generally a nice person that I believe it should be known. Katie has enough negativity thrown her way that she deserves some possitivity. 

Don't forget Katie like you said me your mum and Tom are always here....


Registering a baby

So after the eventful climax of pregnancy... Labour and birth, as a mother you are on cloud 9 cooing over your new baby and enjoying them. You tend to forget things with baby brain and all that. At the hospital they make a point of giving you leaflets about things such as baby registration (well they did me) just that you don't forget the information of that you have 6 weeks to register your baby. Obviously all being exciting you want to make your baby official and legal.   I did. A week after I went to get Bella registered and got told they had already reached their capacity this happened 3 times! The doors are open 9-15:00 
After the first time I was told to get there at half 8 so the second time we did then got told to be there at half 7 to que!! Hour and half before the doors opened the third time we got turned away again!  Bella was a month old before we got her registered. And that only happened because my sister found out that they had appointments just opened on a sayirday and she grabbed the last one. This is after someone earlier that day told has they were thinking about opening it on a Saturday so we were lied to first off!!
This I find disgraceful. They really need to make improvements in my area a lot of babie are born and they should be able to deal with it. Without that appointment it could have carried on for the 6 weeks and then I would have been fined. I don't know what it is like in other areas but in borough its a bit poor. 

I wrote this post to let people know
Who have gone through the same experience your not alone! This has happened to quite a few people.  
And I hope those who are having a baby can register their baby without any trouble :) 


Health : Operation Time

Ahhhh this week I'm having an operation!!! I wouldn't usually be so nervous as I've had many operations before but its only 5 weeks since my last operation so I'm pretty scared to be honest!! I've not long ago recovered from my last operation so in a few days Im going to be back into recovery mode. 

This operation is similar to my last operation but the recovery it totally different and also I don't know much about this op which sounds crazy but I got told via an letter few days after my last op so I haven't been to see my specialist to explain it all. I haven't had an pre op with my op in few days as it wasn't long since my last but I was sent with a blood test not long ago for the op so I guess that is all the testing the needed to do for the pre op. Of course I know what the op is and what they are doing ect as I've been sent loads of information and obviously I have goggled it haha! But I will be told EVERYTHING on the actual day so for that I'm not quite worried but I always worry about the smallest thing anyways so that doesn't help. This op is an later time than my last one, I have to go into the ward at 10am which means I can have an "light" breakfast before 7am on the day which Im so glad about as from all of my operations that is one thing I totally struggle with is the no eating for hours and hours before. I haven't actually even been to this ward I have to go to but its the hospital I've always been at all my life so that is okay. 

One thing I totally worried about which my last op confirmed to me how I was right to worry about is that my back!! As you know if you read our blog often that I have Ankylosing Spondylitis which is arthritis of that back. My last op I was laying down for sooooo long which meant my back was in so much agony! When Im at home I can easily just get up and walk around but this wasn't an option. The nurses didn't seam to care to be honest but I don't think they even read my notes or was told. Although my back was in a bad flare up for 4 days after that op but I was only in hospital til 12/1ish but this operation soon Im going to be in there for alot longer so Im worried! I can't take my medication for ages before the op and because I get bad anxiety and panic attacks this just makes me so panic already. 

So to say I wasn't scared, worried or totally panicky would be lying. Saying that it isn't a big/bad operation and I know its got to be done. By the way this is not related to my Back condition and I won't go into detail what it is but its bowel related problems and this op won't basically cure it but its needed to help. This problem has been going on for way too long years infact so that reason alone makes me know I NEED to "grow a pair" as they say. 

I can't say how long or how this recovery will be to be honest but just incase its long and can't do blogging I will just say as always Bethany will be here so the blog won't be left unattended! Wish me luck haha.....ekkkkk!!! 

Love Katie  xx 

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Saturday, 24 January 2015

Primark sizes!

So today we had a lovely day. Katie and Shelly both came to Essex from Windsor to spend the day with us:). It's was a great day and both Ava and Bella loved seeing nanny and auntie Katie. 

Both my mum and Shelly bought Ava some clothes from primark. She recieved two lovely cardigans, both sized 3-4 years. When I saw them one of them seemed considerably smaller than the other so I measured them against each other and found one of them was smaller... 

YES believe it or not these are BOTH supposed to be the same size. How ridiculous. I hear many people say on primark does come up smaller ect. But seriously you don't think how much! This does indeed confirm the fact primark has no size gide. Infact I believe they slap any size on anything. If you didn't know you would think that ones a 3-4 and the other is 4-5 or it was a 2-3 and 3-4. When buying your clothes my advice would be to try on the item as you could be buying a size or two bigger or smaller than you actually are! 

Another thing that I have found increasingly annoying about the shop is the lack of newborn baby clothe range they have. They only have a few outfits to fit a newborn! Rather annoying as you need a lot of clothes for a newborn and a lot of people would thrive on buying a basket full of clothes for a new baby I know I would!  I've also found that there are inconsistency with the clothes you can get in stores some stores do different clothes to others as my mother in law bought Bella some lovely outfits that I have not seen in any primark stores here where I live.  

I've never had any problem with primark and I will still shop there. But as I've got older and had children I have come to realise now a lot of their floors unfortunately. I don't want to or like to highlight their faults but I have to be honest about my findings since shopping there recently. I would give a little advice to primark also.. If you are going to up your prices don't let the standard or quality slip... 


A Small Tradition

I love Traditions no matter what they are but to be I think now days traditions are not made. Maybe it is the generation thing but even how small or big they are I just love them. This one tradition with my Mother and I is that every time Celebrity Big Brother is back on the TV's every night at 9pm my Mother comes into my Bedroom and we watch it together and we wait to watch the after show of Big Brother. I know it might sound stupid to some people but to me this means everything. We always make it a thing of getting some snacks and a cuppa aswel and we have a rule that we are NOT allowed to look at our phones when it is on but we can look during the breaks haha!! This honestly cheers me up sooo much and trust me right now I need cheering up with all my health problems going on! 

My wonderful Mother & I 

We have the same tradition with some other programs  but Big Brother is one show we stick to the tradition religiously. I think whenever I move out I will move my mum in for those few weeks every year Celebrity is on haha I would feel weird and not right to watch it without her. 

We are both loving but also hating this years one. Purely because we both think Nadia and Perez should be out of the house ASAP then it would be fun and good. Obviously Katie Price has gone into the house ( Yes Katie Price is actually my real full name so you can imagine how many jokes and comments I've gotten about this ha), I always was a Katie Price fan then when her and Peter split I was team Peter haha but I think she has won the public over with coming into the house and being herself. I could actually talk all about about this years CBB but I won't bore you lol Oh and btw... I LOVE KATIE HOPKINS END OF!!!! 

Have any of you got any traditions big or small? Or do you think they have gone in the time and no one makes effort to make new ones or stick to old ones? Let me know what you think. 

 PS - Katie Hopkins to Win!!!!! 

Love Katie x 

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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Health : Dealing with negative comments

As you can tell my the title this is about my personal experiences on having people being extreamly negative towards me to do with my condition. 

I've wrote a post here explaining what my condition is but long story short I have ankylosing spondylitis a type of arthritis. I totally understand it's hard for my close ones and people around me to get what my conditions means and what it stops me doing and how I react during a flare up ect but it's obviously natural for some family members to be totally negative and blind by the truth. Lucky enough my Mother, brother & Bethany totally understand and really their opinion is all I need as they are the ones who support me the most and who I love forever but without going into who and names ect it's hard to deal with people who basically class you lazy for having a condition. I've spent many times explaining to family what this means for my now and my future but yet certain ones don't seem to listen. It's very frustrating as my condition is out of my hands there is nothing I can do cure it or make it go away and trust me if there was I would be trying my hardest to get rid of it. I get comments like " you take too many medication", " just exercise more", " your young it will go " and " when will you go and get a proper job"!!! Those comments have been told to me since I was diagnosed in May 2014 and each time they are said I still get upset and hurt by them which is stupid as I shouldn't let it get to me but it does. 

I've tried my very hardest since having this condition to make myself pain free at possible but as time goes on Im experiencing more and more pain. It gets me down, it makes me have sleepless nights worrying and it makes me cry at the feeling that I'm failing at life but I know I have no control of this condition. Although it's been nearly a year since I've been suffering but I'm in very early stages and in that year I've been trying a lot of medication which some haven't worked and some I found out I'm allergic to and ended up in hospital due to vomiting blood from the reaction but the negative people seem to think I will get the right medication soon and then be totally painfree and can be "normal" in their eyes. 

If these people wasn't family members it honestly wouldn't bother me but I have to see these people on a weekly basis and I love these people which hurts even more. I hope over time they can be more understanding as my condition ain't going to vanish and in time I will need their support. But as I've said I've got my mother, brother and Bethany who understands, gets it and give me 100% support. Bethany is the person I text during the night when I'm upset and in pain and she totally calms me down even though it's over the phone she means alot of me. My mother is here 24/7 and I admit sometime she can be not so  understanding but I know she doesn't mean it as at the moment she is going through medical problems herself so we are each other's rocks and support but also stuck in the same house 24/7 so natually it can be draining and hard but we are both thankful for each other. I'm sure she feels the same... Well she better haha... I know she is reading this lol!!! 

Have any of you had similar experience and have any tips on how to deal with these negitive comments? Leave a comment or email me as it would be good to hear other people's stories reguarding this subject. Thanks for reading :) 

Love Katie x 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Mummy 1 Month Update

As you all know I had a baby girl 1 month ago and here is my update :) 

I have been feeling so well after having Bella. I was in a bit of pain in the first week after with my uterus going back ect, and my boobs were a bit tender with a bit of breast feeding and my milk coming through. Mentally as you know I had the baby blues but all including the physical things have gone and I am feeling my normal self:) the only thing that of course has not gone are my stretch marks...

I have not yet used any cream for them because to be honest I don't have much time to think about it. I should make time for myself so I will do and let you know what products work for my stretch marks.

I've found settling into family life with a bigger family very enjoyable. On weekdays while Toms at work I have made a habit of getting up and after giving bella her first morning bottle getting me and the girls dressed then giving Ava her breakfast and Bella a bottle. This is after sterilising her bottles and getting her milk ready for the day. Of a weekend Tommy obviously helps and we do it as a team. I love seeing my little family all together I'm so proud. 

I've found getting used to having two children very easy and enjoyable. Dont get me wrong it is very tiring at times but I wouldn't change it for the world. Everything I do as a mother is totally worth it. I look at my girls every day and I feel the love for them pouring out. They are my world and always will be. 

All in all everything right now in my life is looking up. My family has extended and Bella has made life go from great too amazing. 
I couldn't be happier :) 


Bella's 4 Weeks Update

Bellas 4 Week update!!

Bella is now 4 weeks! Ain't it gone fast! We are having issues with her weight in which doctors are looking into, she dropped down too 6lb 11oz and has been slow putting it on but she is now just above birth weight at 7lb 4oz! This is meaning Bella is still comfortably in newborn clothes she even has some room! She is really coming on in other areas though she started cooing a little bit yesterday:) and has established a proper feeding routine, she is breast and bottle so is feeding every 2 hours first on breast then has some bottle except of a night she goes 3 to 4 hours. We have a established a nice routine during the day of a morning getting up having a feed then I sterilise her bottles and sorting out her milk & water for the day while giving Ava breakfast and then me and the girls get dressed ready to start the day :). Bella has quite a bit of colic especially during the evening so she takes a while to settle bless her but she does and then wakes up at between 2 and 4 for a feed :). I have started to put her in cute little headbands they are so pretty and she looks adorable in them not that she don't already! She has took to a mam dummy though daddy still gives her a leeds United one! If I had my way it would be West Ham! But she is following in her daddy's footsteps football wise! 
I'm really enjoying being a mummy of
Two and am so proud of both my girls. Bella has took my life from perfect to amazingly perfect, she is so precious and such a beautiful baby girl and we all love her so so much.


Next Milan Luxury Candle

Edited on pic monkey. 

Now I am a Yankee Candle kind of person and lets just say I have tried ALOT of other brands but I always find myself going back to Yankee. But I discovered the Next luxury candle range ages ago but the price was abit too pricey so I didn't bother buying one but then in the sales last year for £5 so I purchased the Next Luxury candle in the scent Milan and I weirdly saved it. YES Ask Beth or my Mother I have so many candles I don't like to burn and I like to keep them on display and I don't burn new ones til the current one has run out.So I had this one display on my window seal all of 2014 and the box this candle was in looks so stunning and classic which is kind of why I left it late to burn this candle. It was just after Christmas I decided to burn this and OMG.... I think I have found my 2nd favorite candle brand. This is the scent Milan and they do have alot of other scents like London and Paris ect but Milan to me sounded more mature and as I didn't have time to smell this in the shops (it was the January next sales) So I had to quickly grab one and this one sounded more up my street. 

On the box it actually tells you every notes/smell in the candle but I've stupidly thrown it away but this candle is very Apple and Melon base and it is a very Fresh smell. To me a good candle is when its not burning but you can still smell it and this does that. I personally find it a good bedroom smell if that makes sense as the fresh scent makes the room smell clean and relaxing. Alot of apple based candles can be very overpowering but this one isn't. They do this scent in a diffuser which Im rather interested in. HERE is the link to the Milan Luxury Fragrance range. As I said at first I thought it was overpriced but now burning this I would say it is very worth the money. 

Have any of you guys had this candle or any other scent from the luxury range? Let me know what one is your favorite.

Love Katie x 

Migraine From Hell

Hello everyone. So sorry I haven't wrote a blog post in nearly two weeks but there is an perfectly good excuse. As you can see from the title that excuse was a MIGRAINE. So lets start from the beginning..

Image from pinterest 

On 5th January ironically I had doctors early morning and then me and my Mother went into town for breakfast and just a general retail therapy mother and daughter time. I felt generally okay and we got home just before lunch time. I came upstairs and planned to put away the stuff I brought from town but all of a sudden I felt this extreme throbbing pain on my left side of head and came over really knackered so naturally my instinct was to take a painkillers and have a kip hoping I would wake up with the pain gone. Basically cut a long story short this lasted til the 11th January which has been absolutely hell. 


- Throbbing and pounding pain 
- Pain only on one side of my head 
- Light headed/feeling dizzy 
- Loss of appetite
- Sleepiness 
- Body feeling extremely weak 
- Sensitivity to light and sounds  
- Feeling hot/cold 

I knew this was an migraine straight away but never imagined it would last for 7 days. As we all do I goggled so much and tried every remedies/relief possible and nothing was touching it. I managed to only have one meal per day as I was asleep most of the day anyway so wasn't hungry and I made sure I was drinking plenty of fluids. I was trying to figure out what triggered and caused this Migraine but I could't relate to any of the causes I read. A few people suggested hormonal but I looked into this and don't think it was that so I was really confused and in alot of pain. On the Monday to Thursdays the migraine was constant then on Friday it started easing off early hours of morning but only for a few hours then finally I woken up on 11th January and the pain eased so much, Yes it was still there but it was alot better and by the evening the pain totally gone. Now touch wood the pain has gone and doesn't return but I still feel awful in myself. I feel sleepy, weak and totally drained. Weirdly on the 11th I was going to get an Emergency Doctors appointment or call 111 to see what they advise but obviously the pain went so was no need to. I will mention this next time I go to my doctors as they might give me an idea on what caused this or how to deal with it if or when it happens next. 

So that is the reason I haven't been blogging, on Instagram or on twitter alot. I barely have looked at my phone to be honest, apart from text Beth and check Facebook, twitter ect. Now I have to try and get back into an sleeping routine which is failing alot lately so touch wood I can get back into my normal sleeping time. Also thank god Beth started back blogging while I was having this Migraine so our blog wasn't neglected. Have any of you got any tips or ideas on what caused this Migraine? Let me know :) Now I feel better I can get back to blogging and doing day to day stuff even though in two weeks time I have an week of specialist appointment for my back which will hopefully give me answers and also an operation so I doubt I shall be blogging then but Bethany of course shall be blogging. This is one of the reasons I love and am enjoying having a blog with Beth aka my Sister in Law because it means if either of us are unable to blog then the other person will so it doesn't mean our blog will be quiet and left alone :) 

Anyways Im back :)

Love Katie xx 

Monday, 12 January 2015

Just a little recommendation...

Many of you like myself must surely enjoy sinking into a hot tea or coffee in the morning to start your day or maybe you like an afternoon cuppa where you can enjoy a nice ten minute relax well I have something to send your coffee from enjoyable to sensational... 

Syrups by monin 

This one I have here is caramel, I love it. The odd coffee here and there with a caramel shot is a real treat. Of course you can get a variety of flavours so you can have a coffee that suits you down to the ground. These coffee syrups are also good for dinner parties ect or just when your entertaining friends or maybe a date. They add a little difference to your everyday coffee a little pick me up just when you need it. 

I bought mine £3 from tesco they last a while obviously depending on usage, I'm sure you may be able to get it from other supermarkets but I haven't checked. 

I hope if you try you enjoy :)


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Take some time...

Being a mum is the best job in the world. It can be stressful at times but as soon as your little one smiles it's enough to melt your heart and you remember how lucky and gifted you are to be a mum. It's then you see how rewarding it is to be a mummy. 

You will find you dedicate you whole life to this little person or persons you breath live and would die for your child. You probably get covered with their toilets, and food with a little bit of sick on your shoulder. Not the most glamorous but hey we are mums we don't care! No matter how much you take beings mum in your stride you still need to remember you. Even if not for yourself for your child. You need to take a little time for yourself, give baby to daddy or another family member and even if it's just an hour take some time for you, doing something that you like doing, it will at least clear your mind just once in a while. Being a mum with a clear fresh mind will help you through your mummy days allowing you to keep on top of the day. 

It's very easy to get lost and just be seen as mummy not just to your children it to others too, but it is important not to loose your identity yourself underneath all that sick and dirty nappies is the person you always have been and you want your children to know you for you too don't you?  Don't be afraid to get them minded by daddy for an hour or bit more, it will not make you any less of a parent, you will still be a good mummy. 

Yesterday my Tommy made me have time for myself. For the past 6 month I haven't touched my hair and my nails were worst for wear. Tom paid for me to have my hair and nails done, I felt guilty yes. I felt like I should be by my childrens side or putting the money a side in savings "just incase". But now they done and I have had time to reflect and think I feel better in myself I feel more me. Even more when I saw my girls again I couldn't wait to get back to being mum. 

Being a mum don't mean loosing yourself , take time to think about you it don't make you any less of a mum. Be the best mum you can be. Be confident and proud and enjoy every minute with your family, and those extra hour spent with yourself. Love life and be happy and mums remember ... Your doing a good job. 


Thursday, 8 January 2015

Baby Blues

Having a baby is I would say the best feeling in the world, there's nothing that could top it. As a woman you feel this little life grow and develop inside of you for hopefully the full nine months, you are there evey step of the way. Eating, drinking, breathing for that little life growing inside of you protecting it the best you can. So that moment when you finally meet your baby that you have been attached to for so long, is the most special moment you will experience. With this you feel bucket loads of joy and happiness, feeling like nothing in the world could touch you and bring you down. 

With a new baby comes lots of excited family members and friends that too cannot wait to meet the new addition. And too right they should be excited and how normal is their eagerness to come and see you and baby. It's lovely showing off and sharing your newborn with those closest and those that care. The thing is no one really keeps and close eye on the mother in all this, sure midwives and health visitors are checking the mother over, but family members, friends, don't really pay attention to the mother. How's she is feeling, her emotions I mean it's a big deal what she has been through. The love and connection with her and her baby is also a big deal she may start feeling a bit emotional with all the commotion so I have a message based on my personal experience that all new mothers can relate too... 

It's not unusual to be laughing and then be in tears the next and maybe biting someone's head off five minuets later, it's also not unusual to wanna pick your newborn up and take him/her away for five for a moment of being just you two. Because for nine months it has just been you two. These are just the baby blues and are completely normal feelings. Some people unfortun will not understand, you need to sit them down and tell them, tell them that everything's a bit Much, that you can't help the way you are feeling and that it's not your fault, because believe me it's not your fault it's the normal emotions of a new mum no matter what number baby. People will understand if you explain, you just have to be open and honest. 

With all the visitors and little helpers you get just "lending a hand" or "giving you a break" doing things for your baby you may start to feel unable or not good enough to do things for your baby, like everyone else can do it better. This is completely normal too, remember you can your the best person to be doing things for your child no one can top you in their eyes. 

These people are just only trying to help and are excited about the new arrival but if you do need anyone to back off then just explain politely how you are feeling and to back down a little and they will, they will understand. 

The important thing to remember is that jthese are just the baby blues will only last for a few days, this don't mean you will get post at depression, however if your still this way for weeks then maybe speak to your health visitor or family members. 

I've had a touch of the baby blues myself I was an emotional roller coaster but once I opened up I felt better. And they are now thankfully gone and I am back to my old self. 

Talking really helps, trust me. 

Lots Of Love 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Welcome Bella Mai Price...

Hi everyone:) I hope all had a great Christmas and a very happy new year! 

As You all may know, some of you may not, Bella was born on Friday 19th December at 4:15am weighing 7lb 2oz. 
We are all so in love with our new little arrivial and have enjoyed these first 2 weeks of getting to know her! She is a beautiful little baby girl who has brought us so much joy and happiness.

I had a fairly straight forward labour and delivery. Bella had gone over due by a week and I had gone up the hospital on the 18th and got my induction date for Saturday 20th December. Throughout the day of the 18th I started getting pains though I thought nothing of it and passed them off as braxton hicks contractions. They was not getting stronger not closer together. I went to bed that night as normal. I eventually a woke in some great pain at about half 11 though still not thinking much of it, yes it was painful but I didn't thinking that painful to be that far progressed in labour, I thought I would only be about 2cm dialated, so I stayed at home and had a hot bath ect. Eventually Tommy convinced me to go to hospital and away we were, arriving there at 2 am I was examined and told I was 4cm and in established labour, I was then handed the gas & air. This is when Tommy thought it be a good idea to take this selfie... 


From this point I progressed really quickly and within 2 hours and 15 mins of arriving into hospital I was fully dialated and pushing our beautiful girl into the world, adding to our wonderful little family.

Ava is also enjoying her new baby sister, though we had some trouble at the start ( I will be writing about in a separate blog post) she is hopefully through the worst of the adapting stage and is now enjoying her new sister to the fullest. She helps me feed and change and settle Bella she loves it!  It's beautiful to see them two together and beautiful to see how much Ava loves her and wants to protect her new baby sister. 

Bella is now 16 Days old so just over 2 weeks, we have enjoyed a lovely Christmas and new year with her. We have also enjoyed getting to know our be little addition and settling her into her own little routine we look forward to watching her grow and just simply enjoying our lovely little new born 

I hope you have all enjoyed meeting Bella Mai....

Lots Of Love

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Katie's Health Update #4

Can't believe it is nearly a month since I done my last health update here. Alot has happened in terms of health wise since. So I was meant to have an operation on 24th December 2014 then it got moved to 7th January then on 18th December the hospital rang me saying they have an cancellation on the 22nd December but in another hospital but I accepted the date and was nervously worrying. Also Bella wasn't born then so I was praying and hoping she would be before my operation and luckily she was :) 

so I arrived at Wexham Park Hospital at 7am which I have been many times before but they have changed the way they do things so I was in the Females ward and you basically sit down in a waiting room, no family allowed to stay and your called one by one to see the nurse, doctor then anesthetist. It was weird because my other operation you are put into an ward and have own bed and get into gown asap but this was different. It was so busy and I  had visions on being last on the list but I was one of the first to be called to the nurse who check my blood pressure ect and the I saw doctors who talked me through the operation then sent back to wait, I thought Oh god here we go, I will be waiting forever so I got my notepad out and starting writing and then the anesthetist called me. Then back to waiting room, and again I was called quickly to measure for stocking ( so unattractive looking haha) then into my gown and dressing gown and told someone would be down soon to collect me. It all happened so quick I can't even remember what time I went down to surgery it was all a blur but after two hours in Recovery I was discharged and home by 1 pm which I was so impressed by.   

Sexy stockings//OUCHH//Home and cuddles with Buster

I was very sleepy and weak over the next few days to be honest. The Anesthetic takes a few days to get out of my body and generally felt sooooo tired. This operation was to do with my Bowel so I had alot of tummy ache and not being allowed to eat certain food which I still can't eat. When I finally started to feel okay it was Christmas day and I planned to stay at home but there was an extra place at the meal my Family was going to so I went to get out and I felt okay considering it was the first time out since operation. Although I couldn't eat most food and the glass of rose made me feel sick, I had a good time. We all went back to my Nan's house after then back home to watch Eastenders and back into bed. It wasn't til few days after I realised I've eaten all the wrong foods and done too much as I felt so ill and stomach killed. While all of this was going on I still had and suffered with back pain and I STILL haven't heard from specialist GRRRR.

So the operation itself went okay and done what was meant to do but they found bleeding which they don't know is coming from and think it might be my upper stomach. On 27th December I found out I had to have another operation ASAP and a blood test. I had the blood test on Monday just gone and got the operation on 29th January so not long. This operation is abit different and recovery is alot different and worse so Im not looking forward one bit to be honest. I didn't expect to even have this other operation as I thought the one on 22nd December would be it for along time. I've gone past the angry stage and now just am preparing myself for it. 

I wish I had a good update lol but things have been put back now. But there is nothing I can do than just wait and hope this operation finds out where and why Im bleeding ect. I shall of course do another health update maybe after or just before my operation. Im seeing my GP on Monday to talk about some medication ect. Shall as always keep you update :) 

Love Katie xx  

New Year : 5 Resolutions

Now I've never been the one to make the classic new years resolutions to be honest. I prefer to make ones that I class as "goals" and ones I know can be done. I know most people do the loose weight, exercise more, drink water or eat healthy ones but I tend to stay away from that as I think people should start that anytime of the year not in January. So here are my random ones...

1- Carry On Not Drinking Milk.
I started this not long ago and was completely a personal choice. Milk/Dairy has always not been good for me but I used to ignore that and drink it anyways. In beginning on December I decided to stop drinking milk and its going well. I've got the laco milk from Tesco so I can have a cuppa tea but in all honestly I rather have black coffee. So I use the laco milk for my porridge. I have noticed alot of difference in my skin, not that my skin was ever really bad but its looking alot clearer and natural glow. 

2- Visit Essex Once A Month 
Now that Beth, my Brother and Nieces live in Essex its quite hard to see them often and being able not to drive makes it even harder. When Bella was born me & my Mother got the train up there and it was actually not a bad train journey. As I get panic attacks and the tube always making this worse I was surprised at how easy it was. There is 2 stops and takes just over 2 hours but now I know how and would do it alone Im going to try and do it once a month if the funds let me of course. 

3- Experiment With Make Up 
In 2014 I found myself sticking to the same make up look every single day. I have so much make up that I hardly use and this year I aim to try a new look at least once a week. In November I finally got a liquid eye liner pen that I was always scared to use and Im addicted so hopefully I can try things Im scared to do so. 

4- Get A Proper Bedtime Routine
With being on medication this is extremely hard and I haven't been into a proper routine since last May. Its been hell!!! To be honest I don't know if this one is possible with the amount and side effects of my medication but Im going to try my hardest. 

5- Focus On Recovery/Getting Better
Now Im having another operation on 29th January I need to keep my body and mind healthy. I've bad when it comes to recovery after operations, If I feel fine for a moment I think I can do so much and the end up paying the price for it. It's so hard to just relax and do nothing without getting bored or being lazy. But now I have no choice arghhh. It seems so simple yet this is so hard. 

Im pretty sure there are loads more but those are the top 5 ones I can think of that are random but are kind of doable. Of course it would be nice to loose weight but Im not going to concentrate on it when I have so much other stuff going on at the moment that I wouldn't be able to put my 100% mind into it. What are you resolutions? Hope you all have a good new years day :) 

Love Katie 