Sunday, 25 January 2015

Just a little message...

I have just read in full Katie's negative comment post. Sorry for the late read my dear! Busy few days. 

This post touched me. Katie you are my sister in law and my best friend and to know the pain you are feeling every day is upsetting as you don't deserve it. I know how you have those bad days In which you struggle to get up and it makes me shiver when people have the cheek to call you lazy. I know you can't help it and I know how down it makes you feel when people right your condition off. Just because it ain't heard of a lot does not mean it doesn't exist and is not painful. Some people are very stuck on their ways and will not open their eyes to difference. 

I read the part where your upset because it is only early stages. I know the thought is terrifying, but you have so many possitives. At the moment it's not as it's worse so you can appreciate being able to be active And spending time with the girls. 

For now and in the future I want you to know that I will always be here for you morning noon and night, supporting you. In any way I can. And no matter how down you get I will always do my best to keep a smile on your face. Why? You ask. Because other than your brother no one has never just accepted me, and been a true honest friend, been there for a chat at all hours and has generally had a laugh with me. No other friend of mine has truely cared.  I hope you know that not only are you my sister in law but you are my true best friend too. 

I could have easily said all this by text yes . But I wanted to make this public number one for those other suffers that could relate to Katie's post I want you to know that not all of us this negatively of your condition there is always someone close to you that understand even if you don't know who yet. And number two because Katie is so thoughtful and generally a nice person that I believe it should be known. Katie has enough negativity thrown her way that she deserves some possitivity. 

Don't forget Katie like you said me your mum and Tom are always here....


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