As You all may know, some of you may not, Bella was born on Friday 19th December at 4:15am weighing 7lb 2oz.
We are all so in love with our new little arrivial and have enjoyed these first 2 weeks of getting to know her! She is a beautiful little baby girl who has brought us so much joy and happiness.
I had a fairly straight forward labour and delivery. Bella had gone over due by a week and I had gone up the hospital on the 18th and got my induction date for Saturday 20th December. Throughout the day of the 18th I started getting pains though I thought nothing of it and passed them off as braxton hicks contractions. They was not getting stronger not closer together. I went to bed that night as normal. I eventually a woke in some great pain at about half 11 though still not thinking much of it, yes it was painful but I didn't thinking that painful to be that far progressed in labour, I thought I would only be about 2cm dialated, so I stayed at home and had a hot bath ect. Eventually Tommy convinced me to go to hospital and away we were, arriving there at 2 am I was examined and told I was 4cm and in established labour, I was then handed the gas & air. This is when Tommy thought it be a good idea to take this selfie...
From this point I progressed really quickly and within 2 hours and 15 mins of arriving into hospital I was fully dialated and pushing our beautiful girl into the world, adding to our wonderful little family.
Ava is also enjoying her new baby sister, though we had some trouble at the start ( I will be writing about in a separate blog post) she is hopefully through the worst of the adapting stage and is now enjoying her new sister to the fullest. She helps me feed and change and settle Bella she loves it! It's beautiful to see them two together and beautiful to see how much Ava loves her and wants to protect her new baby sister.
Bella is now 16 Days old so just over 2 weeks, we have enjoyed a lovely Christmas and new year with her. We have also enjoyed getting to know our be little addition and settling her into her own little routine we look forward to watching her grow and just simply enjoying our lovely little new born
I hope you have all enjoyed meeting Bella Mai....
Lots Of Love
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