Sunday, 25 January 2015

Registering a baby

So after the eventful climax of pregnancy... Labour and birth, as a mother you are on cloud 9 cooing over your new baby and enjoying them. You tend to forget things with baby brain and all that. At the hospital they make a point of giving you leaflets about things such as baby registration (well they did me) just that you don't forget the information of that you have 6 weeks to register your baby. Obviously all being exciting you want to make your baby official and legal.   I did. A week after I went to get Bella registered and got told they had already reached their capacity this happened 3 times! The doors are open 9-15:00 
After the first time I was told to get there at half 8 so the second time we did then got told to be there at half 7 to que!! Hour and half before the doors opened the third time we got turned away again!  Bella was a month old before we got her registered. And that only happened because my sister found out that they had appointments just opened on a sayirday and she grabbed the last one. This is after someone earlier that day told has they were thinking about opening it on a Saturday so we were lied to first off!!
This I find disgraceful. They really need to make improvements in my area a lot of babie are born and they should be able to deal with it. Without that appointment it could have carried on for the 6 weeks and then I would have been fined. I don't know what it is like in other areas but in borough its a bit poor. 

I wrote this post to let people know
Who have gone through the same experience your not alone! This has happened to quite a few people.  
And I hope those who are having a baby can register their baby without any trouble :) 


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