Tuesday 21 June 2016

Random Rant


My List Of Things That P Me Off

There  are many things that p me off! I thought I may write a blog post  about it let you all know, some of these things may p you off too!

One Rule

I hate it when people have one rule for themselves and another for you! Its okay for you to do something but when it comes to them its another story!! Like get off your high fucking horse and come down to earth, you are no better than me your on the same level, now act like it!

There way or no way

I HATE when people think the world revolves around them and if things don't go their way they kick off! I hate having to work my life around every other buggar, people who don't care about you and just want it their way! Well news for you I'm  human being too! I have feelings I have a life! Mine is as important as yours!


Have you took your tablets? Yes I bloody have! Just because I have depression it doesn't mean every time I get the ump  and kick off and rant that I haven't took my sodding pills, not everything is depression related! believe it or not I do get p'd off for genuine reasons, I am not insane! I'm a human being with emotions!

Judgemental Strangers

Yeah my baby is crying? So what? Have you never seen a baby cry before  or are you that  uneducated that you don't know that babies cry sometimes? Bloody staring at me like I'm the boogie monster scaring my child. If you go as far as tutting or saying something be prepared for me to turn into the hulk you judgemental arsholes, you will get your head bitten off. My children are loved cared for and happy, just because they cry because they couldn't have a packet of skittles or because they are over tired, does not mean I am a terrible parent! So do me a favour next time, offer a hand, a nice comment or if not sod off and carry on walking!

Weight Jokes

Think your funny? Joking about my weight. Yeah its funny to you but to me it hits me where it hurts. Weight is NOT something you make jokes about to girls, its a sensitive subject. Word of advice stick to banter you know, don't branch out and make a massive change like Roy Hodgson did last night in our final group game of Euro 2016, because it wont work!


You have your life? Yes. I have my life? Yes. Do you want my life? Obviously. It winds me up something rotten  when someone copies me! Like wtf are you not happy with yourself if that's the case go see a councillor or something don't mimic me. And btw if you do make it so bloody obvious! at least be discreet.

Loan Adverts

I know this one sounds pathetic, but it really gets to me. Everyone wonders why so many people are in debt, well I'm not being funny but whose not going to take it when  its waved under your nose when corrie goes for a break or when your scrolling down Facebook. Like come on people help the nation out, make it discreet pull your advertising back and make sure not as many people fall into the debt trap. Your causing more problems thank you think1 Not just financially but mentally too, debt leads too depression, a hole that very hard to get out of. Have a heart and advertise discreetly else where.


So when out or online we always look for the red SALE sign, I guess like me you cant hold in your excitement thinking your going to find some proper bargains! Its when you get there and there is like £2 off. Really? are you fucking with me? How on earth do they have the cheek to put a SALE sign up. It p's me off mainly because of the deflation I feel afterwards.

So there you have it 8 things that p me off, trust me there is a lot more but the list would be too long! lets stop it while its short. I do apologise for the swearing I am on a rant and venting a bit. I also think its good if its the real me on here you are reading.

Until  Next Time


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