Sunday 2 November 2014

35 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Sorry it's a day late! It's been and eventful week to say the least, but to you all following my pregnancy I want to keep you updated! 

How pregnant are you? 
I'm 35weeks +1 

How many days until due date:
I have 33 days until my due date! Not long! 

Weight: I still have no idea ha ha

Pregnancy symptoms:  I was sick yesterday morning for the first time, and my spd symptoms.

Stretch Marks: No more than last week! 

Cravings: Chocolate still! 

Movement: Bella is getting very active moving more during the day and not just in the evening! 

Gender: girl 

Sleep: sleeps okay at the moment :) 

Worst moment this week: For personal reasons I can't say the most worst moment this week! But loosing my belly bar has annoyed me! 

Best moment this week: Best moment this week was seeing how much stuff bella has! Washing her clothes.

Nesting: I have been a bit more domestic this week! Suppose you can say I'm nesting!

Labour signs: I've had a few tightenings 

Belly button in or out? In 

Wedding rings on or off? Still on :)

Happy or moody most of the time: happy with a bit of moody! Ha ha 

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to cuddling my little girl when she's here :) 

Lots Of Love

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