Tuesday 11 November 2014

Toddler Tuesday

Last week when I did my toddler Tuesday update Ava was not very well:( she has only just gotten over this after passing it on to mummy & daddy! 

That's the thing when you have children you nurse them better and get them back to full health and then come down with it yourself! But I must say it's totally worth it for them to no longer be ill. It's like you literally taking it off them and although left under the weather it does feel rewarding.  

It is safe and I'm so happy to say she is back to her cheeky self ...

Bedtime Battle

The old bedtime battle is back! She won't go to sleep without anyone sitting with her till she falls asleep nor will she stay in her bed all night, I think when she has change she takes it out on her sleep and knowing that the arrival of her baby sister is soon also adds to her insecurities of anyone leaving her alone. Thanks to great help from family we are all chipping in to lay with Ava so we all get the chance to eat and rest. With Tommy at work all day and me heavily pregnant with only 4 weeks to go it comes as a great help! If anyone has any tips then please feel free to tweet us on our Essex To Windsor Twitter :)

Ava does certainly entertain me during the day and her speech is really coming on even in this last week. Although her sleeping pattern is a bit up the wall at the moment she is still showing what a happy bright little girl she is doing us proud every day :) 

Ava's night time antics are making her sleeping during the day!...


That concludes my Toddler Tuesday for this week:) hope you all enjoyed as I'm sure a lot of you mums and dads may be able to relate. With all the factors of parenting all the ups and downs it is the most rewarding job in the world :) 

Lots Of Love 

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