Friday 11 September 2015

Girly Week In Essex

A few weeks back I went to Essex for a week and we had lots of girlie fun. Of course we went to Lakeside for the day and had the best time. Taco Bell feast, Primark spend up and of course Disney Store for the girls which is becoming an tradition for us now haha.
The picture about is of the girls wearing matching from Next and I brought them a few more matching items from Next as they actually do both of their sizes. The Leggings which Bella's were £2.50 and £3.50 for Ava, T Shirts were £6 each or 2 for £10 and Socks for 2 pairs were £3.00 for Bella and £3.50 for Ava. So all in total for two outfits came to £22.50 which I thought was bloody good value as the quality of clothes are amazing and Beth tells me Next clothes washes well. Since then I have been back to Next and got another colour of Leggings and different T shirt which I shall give to the girls Next week and I'm sure they both will look beautiful matching :)  

The two picture above are from when I looked after the girls for the day as Beth had a family funeral so it was Beth's first time without Bella. I might get Beth to write a blog post about it as she was really panicking but I thought she done well :) I still stuck to the girls routine that day i.e. Their lunch & dinner, Bella's nap and their bedtime but I also added in Play dough for Ava till lunch time then colour paper stamps in the afternoon and both of the girls are little angels. 

This picture is us four doing a selfie in a taxi haha. Beth had dentist then we went to Tesco for lunch and Costa then done some shopping and as we brought too much than expected we had to get a taxi home as we had too many bags to carry haha. As you can see the girls know how to pose like their mummy and auntie haha.

I travelled home on the Saturday morning so I had a good whole week spent with these perfect girls and next week I am going back to Essex to spend another week which I am so excited about as I cannot wait to take and pick Ava up from Pre School and watching Bella grow up each day and making me proud. Also love being around Beth as she is a mummy she kind of 'mummys' me if that makes sense without sounding weird haha. She cares and worries about me which just proves how much she loves me which is nice as she is my sister in law also my best friend. Just this weekend to get through then Essex on Monday :)

Love Katie xx

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