Tuesday, 3 February 2015

My Kidney Health

I've never really done a health post before, but I thought it would be good to talk about my health issues that I've had me whole life. Why not? There maybe someone out there who can relate...

Basically I am very prone to kidney infections. Pyelonephritis to be exact. I know for us women it's common to contract bladder infections but I get them more often and they sort of skip my bladder and go straight to my kidney. Every time this happens I end up in hospital for a length of time on a drip and on intravenous antibiotics for a length of time. 

This all started when I was a baby. I was really ill, not taking and milk and crying 24/7. My mum was back and forwards to doctors them telling her there was nothing wrong everytime until eventually going up hospital. It was then that she got told I had a bladder infection that had gone to my kidney I had scarring on my kidney and had to spend 6 weeks in hospital and spending my first Christmas in there. Although scarring heals on the kidney I believe this is why this certain kidney is weaker and getting infections frequently. 

When I was pregnant I got an infection my kidney was dialated and had a stone. This resulted In me having a nephrostomy tube inserted into my kidney to drain it, it was in for just over a week. It is a tube that was inserted into my kidney coming out my back with a bag attached to my leg. 
 It was horrible. I'm not going to lie about my feelings towards having the bag. I hated every minute though it did get easier and in the end it didn't bother me as much. It was hard going out and thinking people were staring and laughing behind my back though of course no one knew it was there as my clothes covered it but in my head that's what I want was thinking. Although before I was discharged I was walking around the hospital and it was on show then and someone stared at it like it was something so abnormal that's never been seen before. That's probably why I was so embarrassed about it. It did its job it helped me get better at that point in my life and although I didn't like having it I'm so grateful because it sorted me out. 

I can't describe the pain when I get a kidney infection and unless you have had a kidney infection you will never experience pain like it. I am so scared of getting another one as I don't wanna end up on hospit again. I'm a mother I don't want to be away from my children. 

I think I've bored you enough with my medical history now ha ha. As I say I hope people can read this and relate:) For those who have never had a real bad kidney infection yes it is really painful
And yes it is really easily treated with the right antibiotic so please don't be scared. I only get scared because I've suffered with them all my life and I'm just tired of getting them. 


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