
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Toucan Box!

Hello My Dears,

I wonder how many of you have heard of toucan box? I can honestly say up until a few weeks ago I didn't know what it was, I had heard the name but never really looked into it. Now I wish  I had looked into it sooner but that's where Katie comes in handy. She is always "on it", looking at new things on social media, the internet ect. Yes she was the one that looked into toucan box. Here is me going on and I haven't even explained what it is! Toucan box are a company that sell little activity boxes for children. You subscribe and pay a certain amount and get an activity box filled with everything you need for that activity, no adding to it. In each box you will also get a sticker token which you put on like a little chart poster that is provided and you collect them with the option of "spending" them and getting little prizes for your little one, obviously the more you save the better the prize! Below are some details.

The boxes come in 3 sizes and are 3 different prices.

Petite - £3.95 + £0.98pp and you get this fortnightly so that is £4.93 including Postage every fortnight.

Grande - £9.95 + £2.95pp this Is a monthly box, so in total it is £12.90 a month

Super - £16.95 + £2.95pp this is also a monthly box and in total is £19.95 a month

Katie has bought Ava the petite toucan box and to be honest it says petite but you get a really good fun activity It doesn't seem petite! In my opinion for Avas age (4) petite is just the right size because of her attention span and like I said absolutely everything was included and well worth the £4.93. I can only speak for the petite size obviously but if that is anything to go by then I can only guess that the bigger boxes are good too, though I know they look a bit expensive wrote down on paper. But I want you to remember this is not some rubbish magazine subscription its a proper activity kit for kids. And a plus they send you out a taster box that they will also personalise!

On Sunday I finally got round to making Avas taster box with her, it was an activity to make a parrot puppet thing and an old treasure map.  Everything needed was provided and it was really easy to do Ava had loads of fun and it suited her age range completely. For the treasure map we had to soak a tea bag which was provided in water for ten minuets so we did that and while that was soaking Ava coloured in her parrot with the crayons also provided.

When Ava had coloured the parrot, we got the tea bag and painted the piece of paper (provided) that we had previously scrunched up. Now of course we had to let this dry, so to occupy her time while that was drying Ava completed the parrot by sticking the feathers on It which where again provided. I found that the glue stick didn't really stick them so I had to use cello tape. We then stuck the giant lolly stick on to make it a puppet. The parrot was now finished.

The next step was to take the dry tea stained crumpled paper that by this time was dry, with the stickers provided we made the treasure map by following the how to guide that was included, once this was done Ava had finished her activity and I must say I was a very proud mummy looking at what she had done.

We have now received the next toucan box that we will  be doing very soon  I will be blogging about each one every week to couple of weeks (we are a bit behind). I would say these boxes are very  good especially in the school holidays, it gives them something to do and keeps their minds and their creative side active while they are not at school. I look forward to Avas next toucan box activity!

Thanks for reading

Until next time :)


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