
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Mischevious Moos 3

Hello Lovelies,

It's been a couple weeks since I last posted due to the fact that I have been poorly with a kidney infection :( yes I did feel very sorry for myself. I am pleased to say I am now on the mend and I feel like writing again! What a better way to do this than doing a mischievous moos post, I wanna give you all a good giggle and get back posting on a funny note.

Now last week I was down to one child as my lovely mother in law and sister in law so kindly had Ava for me. You would think one child would be half the trouble! WRONG. I'm not going to say that she kept getting up to stuff because she didn't, so I was lucky in that respect but what she did do was big. The most mischievous thing my Bella has ever done. I will start with some of the smaller things she got up too, the more common things that probably many other children do difference is I'm letting you all know that your not alone having mischievous children is quite common. 

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks so at least one thing occurred when Ava was here. First we had the salt saga as I like to call it, this is a reoccurring issue. We have a dining table but every now and then me and Tom sometimes eat when the girls are in bed and when we feel lazy we will eat at the coffee table, don't judge. We will take the salt with us, what can I say? we like our food seasoned. Being the forgetful people we are we tend sometimes to forget to  put the salt back on the dining table, even though we have cleaned up everything else, strange eh. This of course means that the salt pot is there in the morning, and its easy for little hands to reach and unfortunately if these little hands reach it before I do then BOOM we have a salt explosion all over the table and if that's not enough little fingers may decide to dip into it and lick it off her fingers, GROSS. Now of course I come straight in and remove my children clear it up and put the salt pot back, that should go without saying I'm not going to let them lick salt all day, I don't even  let them have it on their dinner, that should go without saying too, I mean who does! I'll leave that one there as I seem to be rambling.

 Now as you maybe aware Bella does more than Ava but before I carry on with Bella's antics I'll tell you about one of Avas! This occurred while I was ill and my mother in law came round to babysit not only the girls but me too ha ha. My lovely Shellbell as we like to call her bought me and the girls some lunch Ava decided she wanted some fruit and yoghurt this pleased me as getting healthy things down her could be a struggle at times. However Ava had her own ideas of what she wanted to do with her fruit and Yoghurt and eating it wasn't on of them. Ava is a big fan of cookery shows, Jamie Oliver being her favourite this is what Ava was going to copy, using her fruit and yoghurt of course. Using these  two ingredients she copied the programmes down  to a t. Mixing, talking us though what she was doing, putting into the oven (pretend of course), revealing the finished article and of course making a lovely mess!

Back to Bella now! These next two are personal favourites of hers too one being more reoccurring than the other. Bella has a thing for tissue boxes when she sees one it is like she is being drawn to it like a magnetic force. Of course she don't just sit there and look at it thinking how lovely these box of tissues are, Bella being Bella decides to pull them all out the box until I am left with none. By the time she has finished she is sitting there in a cloud of tissues looking rather pleased with herself, this is the reoccurring one, well not any more I have put them higher up in my bedroom! This second one is something I am sure she would do again if she could but she cant as I now have those lock things on my cupboards, yes it is to do with food! She loves playing with spaghetti and one time decided she would pull it out the cupboard and decorate my kitchen floor with it, I did find it funny but it was a buggar to clear up! I don't know if any of my lovely readers have cleared up a lot of raw spaghetti but if you haven't you don't wanna, infact I believe I found it too hard and got Katie too do it ha ha.
Now we have reached our finale, I have no photo evidence of this because I just couldn't in my panic. The story goes like this...
Me and Bella were home alone and I was doing my usual tidy up of the flat. In my tidy up  I sprayed the kitchen sides with bleach kitchen spray but one of Bellas bottles were there and I didn't want it getting sprayed so I briefly moved it on top of my oven (its electric) and then  wiped the sides down. At this point Bella was pottering around doing her thing and I thought it would be a good idea for me and Bella to have a shower and get dressed so in there I took her and we had a nice shower and had a laugh splashing water at each other. When I got me and Bella out the shower I picked up Bellas nappy I had taken off her and put it in the bin but as I got to the kitchen  I was in for a shock. The room was all smoky as I glanced at the oven all I could see was a puddle of melted plastic and a bottle teat sitting on top of it.  In my panic my towel dropped too the floor and there I am butt naked, blinds open opening the windows grabbing the teat off the oven and getting as much plastic as I could off the oven. Don't worry guys Bella was fine! While I was a stupid naked mess, Bella was going down the basket of clean underwear and running around with a pair of Avas knickers on her head. Luckily no one was hurt and I caught it but I think you can understand why I never took a pic! haha.
I would love to know what things your little ones get up too!
Mine maybe little moos but I wouldn't have them any other way, apart from nearly burning the flat down they keep  me very entertained!
I Look forward too filling you in next week!
Sorry it was a long one guys but thanks for reading :)
Until Next time...
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