
Tuesday 7 June 2016

Changes Children Bring

10 Things Children Change

So this morning as I am sitting there eating my poor excuse of a breakfast when I took the opportunity to think, as a mum you have to grab 5 minuets where you can. I thought about the little things you don't usually realise day to day.
Breakfast - Ahh the most important meal of the day. I remember the days of fresh hot toast burning tea and cereal that still holds a crunch that you can have when you want and at your leisure. These days I have to eat at the crack of dawn, and it takes me so long to eat it I have to put up with cold floppy toast, cement like porridge, soggy cereal and luke warm tea. But hey its the most important meal of the day so I got to eat it right?
Toileting - You can bet your life whether it be a number one 1 or number 2 you will have an audience that's  of course if you haven't sprinted to the toilet and shut the door before the audience have got seated. In this case you will stay there for as long as possible this is your quiet place now. Gone are the days of a peaceful wee with the door open! Toilets used to be a place you couldn't get out of quick enough now you stay in there an extra ten minuets.
Possessions - It used to be that all your things would stay neatly in one place. You would know exactly where everything was. Now that is no longer the case, your possessions are no longer yours and yours only and you no longer know where  things are, its a game of hide and seek whenever you need anything, and chances are whatever it is, it will be jam covered when  you find it.
Laying Down - Now as silly as this one sounds I can't be the only one. Laying down used to be a relaxing time where you could gather your thoughts. Not anymore mummy dear. You become a human trampoline and a target for BUNDLE. And I don't know what your thoughts are but a child can sniff out and relaxed adult lying down from miles away.
Phone - You remember a time when your mobile phone would be pristine. No scratches, no cracks and perfectly clean, and the only apps it would have where those of social media and necessities. Yes ladies and gentleman this is not sacred either. Get used to scratched up phones broken screens (you will be getting them fixed every week this costs a fortune) sticky buttons and every cbeebies app going!
Food - Remember sitting down with a nice plate of dinner thinking how on earth am I going to eat all that? Well guess what that is not an issue for me any more. You can guarantee no matter how much my children have ate no matter how much of their dinner has gone you can bet your life there will always be room for mine.
Talking to yourself - Okay so yeah this does sound like a weird one, but that's only because you never noticed it before. In everyday life you make little comments to yourself, little statements and you never really notice it. But believe me with a child you do, they listen to everything, they can hear you and once they do a thousand questions will be put at you about the most pointless statement you said to yourself. But they don't care how pointless it was, they will carry on leading you to feeling like you are be interrogated.
Sitting of the sofa - Hard day? sit back relax on your sofa it looks like a cloud of pure softness ready for your bum to take the plunge, that is until OUCH. Yep you have probably just sat on a Barbie,  building block, toy car ect. you get my point you can no longer just kick back with out inspecting your seating first.
Drinks - You know 5 years ago I would pour myself out a drink and there would be wastage where I hadn't drunk it all. These days I don't have that problem but jheez kids I would like some. Turns out when there are children  around you cannot turn your back on your drink for 5 minuets, chances are if you do it won't be there when you look back.
Eating Chocolate - Chocolate bar? Just make sure you eat it in the other room or behind a book or something. Believe me if they catch you, you will be in big trouble, eating chocolate without them how dare you? you will then be obliged to give them the rest.
Fair to say kids change a lot! Nothing will ever be the same again but personally I wouldn't have it any other way, what are a few alterations in my life when I am privileged to have two girls as awesome as mine!
Until next time

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