
Friday 3 June 2016

A Moan From A mum

As a parent you go through so many emotions and so many selfies for that matter. Now come on lets be honest these selfies portray such a shit image of life as a parent. Yeah they are all happy and sweet and cute, but come on realistic? No. Don't get me wrong it is like that..some days okay they are more often than not, but come on I cant be the only one who has such rubbish days that by the end of it I want to stick my head in a blender, now do people selfie them days? No.

This morning looked so promising, I woke up surprisingly un tired, which for me is a rarity. I'm usually walking around half asleep like a zombie at 9 o clock seriously, if you visited at that time you would feel like your on the set of the walking dead. But anyway lets get back to this morning and like I said I was feeling pretty good, I had to check the date because I thought I had been asleep for a whole three months. I felt that damn good. For a woman whom mother nature is calling I was pleasantly surprised, once the shock had worn off I started to get on with my day.

I like to have a look around the house before I start the day, lets be honest I knew the day was gonna be utter rubbish when I saw the flat was an absolute bomb site! I just closed my eyes took a breath and took myself slowly into see the girls. To be real I saw their sweet little smiles and they melted my stress. With that breakfast was next on the agenda as always. I set about making different breakfast for all of us. Ahh. I bit my lip swallowed the stress and got on with it, the girls needed food. It weren't their fault that they fancied different. But like come on it took me that long that when I sat down to eat my blooming toast it was stone cold and floppy! Come on. Really. Meanwhile I was still staring at the pig sty that sort of looked like my home. I had to tidy. Of course I had to I am Mum, cleaner, cook, launderette, ironing lady ... well the list is endless. But I am on my shitty period for crying out loud! I just want to curl up with a big bar of galaxy. (I have finished sulking). One puts herself in cleaning mode and now I'm thinking great I can recruit a little assistant, Ava. Like come on they are toys spread all over the living room floor, surely she will be all up for helping her mummy. I don't know if any of you have experienced I child that is dead against the idea of tidying up but if you haven't its like Godzilla has been unleashed. I had now started a battle which I was now aware was going to last hours. On my side of the tidying up, well that was almost non existent, I had  my little Bella perched on my hip, her bum seemed to be super glued there too. To be honest that I didn't mind. Made me feel wanted and with Bella at the age where she was always on the go I was grabbing cuddles where I could. But you know things had to be done, so along came one handed super mum. By this time I was well into a screaming match with my teenage wannabe 4 year old. No the tidying hadn't been done. But yes we had, had more arguments in half an hour than big  brother had, had in a series. Not to mention time is getting on and Bella is getting ratty! On the brighter side the living room was now gleaming. No Ava did mot cave, I did. Ava 1 - 0 Mummy. My clothes  are now finally on. The girls have been playing nicely. WOO. Nah ah. The bedrooms were well they weren't bedrooms they were toy pits. Ava time to tidy! This was not going to go down well. So now I am trying to do my make up one handed Bella in one arm make up in the other, I have one flip flop  on because the other one had seemed to have grown a pair of legs and my little teenager is gearing up for round 2. VICTORY. My make up is on, yeah its patchy as fuck but its made the face and at this point I really don't care plus I am still trying to get my 4 year old to tidy not good. This leads on to my next disaster, I thought lets guide Ava too her room, surely with it staring her in the face she will want to tidy it but apparently kids can stand mess more than us adults. Did I make it as far as the bedroom. No. What I did do was trip into a wall and stub my toe. OHHHHHH THE PAIN. I needed to go to A&E. It was broken. Okay, okay no it wasn't but it bloody felt like it. A stubbed toe is NOT for the faint hearted. Though my injury had its upside, its seems my hurting stops arguments and makes Ava tidy. Who would have thought it. Note to self, in future when needed to avoid toddler arguments and needing the to tidy their mess just injure myself, don't care how. As long as I'm in freaking pain. Ava 1 - 1 Mummy.  

Do you know what she did after she had tidied and my throbbing toe and shrunk back to normal size and after I had prayed to god to ease my day. She smiled. Simply smiled. No Ava don't do that. That's the bloody worst. It makes my heart melt. It makes me forget, the courage I had built up to confiscate toys, treats ect as punishment. It reminds me that no matter how testing a morning I have had as mummy. I am lucky. I would rather be pulling my hair out over my children than pulling my Hair out because I don't have them.

I love you both my little sunshines.

Thanks for listening to my little moan!!


1 comment:

  1. what an honest post, the struggles of motherhood are not recognised sometimes, keep going and stay strong and pass them to the man in your life xx
