Monday 15 June 2015

Bikini body rant

So all I see over social media is adverts and promotion to get your "bikini body" this bikini body is a stick thin or toned person. This apparently is a bikini body. Who decided this? Who knows probably some small minded person who thought bone is sexy. And promoting stickness is healthy. 

Fact one. Being healthy does not mean having a flat stomach and no shape. It means eating the right food and at a balanced right weight for your height build and frame. 

Fact 2. All shapes and sizes are sexy. I'm a curvy girl and my man likes me just the way I am. He says in super sexy and loves having something to hold on to.

Fact 3. What exactly do they think they are promoting to the younger generation?  Telling them to count calories and that they have to be proper thin. A+ in promoting anorexia. I've seen so many real life stories where people with eating disorders say they got the thin idea from magazines ect where only this "bikini body" is shown. I do not want my girls to be effected by this. 

My reasons for this post, I'm sick of being made to feel as tho I'm unattractive and ugly because I'm not a size 6. 

Thanks for listening to me rant


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