
Tuesday 24 February 2015

A Diet Challenge - Week 1

Katie - Brevile Smoothy Diet

A week into the diet challenge and I've failed already by not even starting it. I did mentioned in the first post that I was going to start after I got the food items at the weekend but last Friday I got diagnosed with Colitis so I haven't really been up to anything to be honest. I opened the box but I haven't yet to even test it out. I've started getting a few stuff for it but I want to start once I've got everything so let's hope next week update I will have something to actually update you all on and would of started it. Fingers crossed.

Bethany - Slimfast Diet

So a week in!! It all started so well wasn't feeling any hunger ect at the beginning but I did have a water infection when I stated and I go off my food when I have them anyway so that could be why!! I went away at the welend Friday to Monday I ain't going to lie I slipped up! Who wouldn't when they are away with their family??  I'm starting to feel so hungry now I think it's because I'm due a period and as us women know it bloats us out and makes us wanna snack like crazy! It can also play part to weight when weighing ourselves. Bad news I ain't really lost anything but good news is I ain't put anything on. Maybe I will feel better when I start to see results eh. I think the moral of the story here is don't start a diet till after your holiday and if your due a period just after you start you may wana wait till after! 

I hope for  a better week this week though with the up coming period I don't expect the scales to be nicer next week
I get so bloated when it's that time of the month! 

Katie &

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