
Thursday 23 October 2014

When Toddlers Start Nursery

As Ava has recently started nursery for 3 days a week, it gave me an idea for a blog post...

I have recently noticed  a lot of changes in Ava in many different areas and I thought I would share with you all. Whether your a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle this read may benefit you. It can also be a good read for anyone. 

It can be one of the most emotional day of a parents life, buying their school uniforms and breaking them in to leaving you for the day. It was when I took her to nursery for the first time I realised how attached to me Ava really was. At first she found it hard, she would cry whenever I left, I even started finding it hard breaking away. After the 'breaking' in  period and after a couple of weeks Ava put on her lovely red school dress and her lovely red flossy school shoes from Office and ran into school a confident little girl. 

I have noticed a lot of changes in Ava behavior since she has been at nursery. Im sure a lot of toddlers go through some changes, so I am sure those of you who deal will children know what I am talking about. Ava has been increasingly mouthy after nursery, which although is wrong is completely understandable, she most probably gets completely knackered when at nursery not only that she may pick it up off other children who maybe mouthier. We have had issues with her doing as she is told ect, which could also be because she does as she is told all day at nursery shes had enough by the time she comes home, we deal with this behavior using the naughty spot and behavior chart.

On a brighter note most of the changes in Ava have been really positive, her speech has come on incredibly already. Ava has always been very clear when  she speaks the majority of people have always been able to understand her. Since she has been at nursery however she has been even more clearer and has put her sentences together almost perfectly it has done her the world of good. The thing I find the best are the amount of words she is coming out with. We have at least one new word a day and some of them are really funny, shes says 'stupid' but used it in a funny way, she says 'doing my head in', 'very very well', 'lounge' these are only a few new words in Ava's Vocabulary. 

The Proudest moment for parents when our little ones start nursery or school is when they make things. Seeing their little faces when they show you what they have made is so lovely and melts your heart. Ava has made so much in her time at nursery so far, including paintings, writings, colorings and she has even learnt to cut with scissors! Also they do cooking at Ava's nursery doing a selection of sweet and savory items. All tasting very lovely!!

Below is Ava's spider cupcake she made!

Its amazing how much a little one can change in such a short space of time and yeah there behavior can go a little bit bad but all that is clouded over by the amazing good changes. This proves how clever children are and how much they take in, it is amazing. I can honestly say I am one proud mum, from Ava's confidence boost to her speech improvements to her creativeness she keeps a gleaming smile of pride on my face that just keeps getting bigger. 

Hope you all enjoyed  the read...

Lots Of Love

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