
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Auntie & Niece Day Out

Today, Bethany had hospital in Essex so I took Ava to school, picked her up and had some quality time together. I love days when it is just Me & Ava as we just laugh all the time. 

Her new H&M Top and the finish look after she done her own hair

After Beth & Tommy left, I got Ava dressed and ready for school. She now gets dressed on her own but today she insisted on me doing her hair and wanted to do it herself. This ended up in her going to school with messy hair as she was so stubborn and every time I done her hair she would take it out. Off we walked to school to get there for 9, She sat in her buggy holding her school bags and was really excited for school. Soon as she see's her school she give me her dummy and got out of the buggy. Soon as she saw her key worker at school she ran to her and got ready to do painting. So I popped to Tesco and then walked back home to have a cuppa and some food before setting off again to get Ava. I left home to get Ava abit too early. So I spent 10 mins or so sitting in the reception area and could see Ava laying on the floor listening to a story. Another teacher came up to me and gave me Ava's "Spider Cupcake" she made. The teacher said out of them all, Ava's was the only one that copied the picture they was working from and really enjoyed it. 

Ava's Spider Cupcake She Made

Soon as the doors open for the adults to collect the child, Ava saw me and ran straight up to me. She got her coat on and off we went. On the way home we got a cone of chips each and a kinder barbie egg( she is obsessed with this eggs ). I let her walk half way home as she has a habit of walking sideways & with a cone of chips in her hands I knew it was going to end up in her falling or something so she sat in the buggy like a good girl. Half way home out of the buddy she went and walked all the way home. As we approached our driveway she ran and tripped over and hurt her knee. But she was more concerned about the lolly she dropped lol. We got in and sat down playing barbies which ended up in her giving some barbies to our dogs and chasing them around the lounge. 

Ava pushing her buggy

Her Peppa Pig Coat From George Asda

Buster refusing to give back the barbie Ava give him

Ava has been having problems napping and sleeping at night lately so I knew she wouldn't go for a nap but she was yawning away. I went upstairs in my bedroom to see if she would sit next to me. She had two dummies (its her kinda of comfort thing she has when she sleeps) and her juice and a blanket, she stayed still for about 5 seconds before getting her into nannies bedroom. Now she is downstairs with Nanny trying to take over the hoovering lol. Beth isn't back yet so I planned to sort her birthday pressies out but I realised I can't ( can't say what or how as she will read this haha), So I give upstairs a quick tidy and now am laying in bed as my back is playing up. 

Me & Ava was going to go to the park but now she has a poor poor knee which was bleeding, Ava said she can't go out and needs to stay in to get better. So we may sit and watch a film but her attention spam is zero at the moment lol. 

Auntie & Niece's days are my favorite :) 

Love Katie xx 

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