Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween Day!

Halloween Day 

How exciting was it this morning waking up on Halloween day! The excitement of all the Halloween lovers filled the air. Its the day where we can all bare costumes and face paints no matter what age and it don't matter!

So that is exactly what we did here we are in the day time on Halloween...

Halloween Day!!

With our face paint on its was time to set about our day activity! Halloween biscuit making! We had bought cookie cutters for Halloween cookies weeks ago. They only cos 99p! You can tell how excited we were. Beth has made biscuits before so we knew they would come out alright! The biscuit recipe is simple and easy here it is below... 

100g (4oz) Butter
50g (2oz) Caster Sugar
Few drops Vanilla Extract
175g(6oz) Plain Flour


Pre heat oven to 150 c/ Gas mark 2

Add butter and sugar in a bowl and mix well until light and fluffy. 

Add the vanilla, mix then add the flour and mix well. Roll out and cut shapes

Bake well for 25 mins or until golden brown. 

Once they are baked after waiting for them too cool you can have loads of fun decorating! mixing in different icing colours and even trying to make colours out of food colours! 

Here are our finished results! 

Before Baked

After baked and decorated Finished Result

Why not give them a go? You can make and kind of biscuits with the right cutters and decorations! They are a perfect idea for Christmas, Halloween and Easter! 

Lots of Love 
Katie &

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