Thursday, 23 March 2017

Wedding Diet Diary

Hey guys,

I forgot to post this Tuesday so its a bit longer! Sorry!

Sorry I haven't written in a couple days been a manic weekend! Not only that been so ashamed :( Yes I fell off the wagon entirely! Not good and so soon. But I'm back on it! I think I needed that dip in order to pick myself up a bit.
 We went out to dinner last night and I did have a pig out but to be fair we don't often eat out so I made the most of it. Like I said I'm doing this my way and if that means the odd treat then that's what I will do. I am sticking to my diet every other day. I think the fact I put such strict rules on myself last time, like anyone does when they diet was part of my failure, I've never been one to stick to rules! haha. The fact I have put that pressure on myself has gave me more motivation to say yeah I can do this and get back on it and not give up. You may think I'm being stupid, it don't matter I'm doing what I thinks good for me and it may not work...but it might. Will have to see.
 I bet your thinking why haven't I put up a start picture of myself up well there are many reasons. No.1 I'm not body confident much. I will take one and if this works I may post a before and after picture but I'm not going to put that stress and pressure on myself at the moment. No3 this isn't a look how much weight I've lost or planning to loose post. This is simply a diary to log what I'm doing to see if it works and in future if it does work and think you need to see progress or whatever I will share. But this is real. No fitness fanatic blog.
 I do enjoy the shakes they are very tasty they taste like if not better than the branded ones. They feel me up to and I find myself fancying one. This morning I have had a shake for breakfast which I really enjoyed, I don't know what I'm having for lunch it will probably be a shake again. For dinner I will be having salmon baby potatoes broccoli and baby corn one of my favs!

Thursday 23rd March

I've had my coffee morning this morning but I have not had anything to eat, I am starving! So I am relying on slim fast snacks! I don't know what to hav for lunch I would have a shake but I have run out of skimmed millk :( and forgot to buy some. Still I guess I will be saving room for my rib coleslaw and sweet potato chip dinner! Not the healthiest and not the most unhealthiest either, and I've saved myself for it haha! It is hard I'm finding the hunger hard but the image of my dress is keeping me semi strong haha.

I am going to go now I am very tired I didn't get to sleep till 2am! I will be back to check in tomorrow. Happy dieting to me and other who are:)

see you soon


Friday, 17 March 2017

wedding diet

Hi guys!

I know its been a while...Again. But I am back for a bit haha.

Well I'm getting married in 3 months. Yes 3 MONTHS! I know a lot of brides diet for like a year before they get married but to be honest that hasn't really bothered me, but now I'm like terrified of not fitting into my dress, so now 3 months before I take the plunge I've decided to diet. Better late than never!

My facebook feed is basically covered in juice plus. My facebook is basically like a juice plus focus group. All I see are various women shredding the pounds by cleansing their bodies souls and god knows whatever else with various shakes and capsules. Capsules yes basically a posher word for pills. Basically slimming pills for posh people that don't like to admit popping pills every 5 minuets. Any how I thought well this obviously works. So there I am on the juice plus website looking at their shakes and "capsules" and I would basically have to go get myself a mortgage and then re mortgage to afford that. If I did juice plus the diet would cost more than my wedding. So I thought juice plus can stick it.

What else could I do. Well any diet is not going to work without eating healthy so I thought I would try changing my diet and see how I get on, then I wont have to cut of a leg and sell it in order to loose weight. I've been eating fish, veg ect and cut out snacking. Now I have been on meal replacement shakes before and I didn't work for me but I thought I want to give it another go but do it my way because if I don't I will fail, just like last time. so here's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to eat healthier and drink water, apart from the odd treat drink. I'm going to have a meal replacement shake as I want, so maybe I will have one a day at breakfast or lunch which ever I feel like on the day, I may even choose to have one for breakfast and lunch on various days. The meals I do have are going to be healthy. No shit, no fatty foods, just tasty healthy meals. Gone is the snacking. I am aware that on sometimes I can have a cheat. so then I may decide to have the odd cheat but only one thing. I will allow myself a takeaway which would be a chicken kebab, when I was on slimming world this was a popular choice amongst other slimming buddies as its a "healthier" takeaway if there ever was such a thing. I'm going to listen to my body and do it my way.

I'm thinking of using this blog as a diary of my weight journey too off load as I just cant do It without. I know, I know, I started one before and it come to fuck all basically but this time I have an end goal too look at.

Today I am having, a Superdrug own instant meal replacement shake, strawberry flavour, a slimming world Mediterranean chicken pasta from Iceland for lunch and dinner is undecided at the moment. At the moment I am feeling positive and really want to see results. I will be back tomorrow to log how I am feeling and keep you updated...if you want to be haha.

speak soon