Thursday, 8 October 2015

Waiting For An Appointment//NHS Moans

Don't get me wrong I love the NHS and am soooo grateful for it and I honestly wouldn't survive without them but sometimes NHS makes me mad. Like right now!!

When I last saw my Consultant in the middle of August which I was given Steroids for two weeks then for a appointment with the Gastro team literally 2 weeks after to do some blood tests and other test to see if I need to carry on with Steroids or go down another route.. So two weeks came and I heard nothing. Now nearly 2 months on I have heard NOTHING and my Flare Up is getting worse. My GP did ring them up a month and they said they would ring me to give me a date to come in and still heard nothing so yesterday I went to my GP for a medication general update and I explained how my Flare Up is getting worse and how I haven't heard from Gastro ward yet and he was angry so he rang them as I was there and someone on the phone said my details are not on the system so my GP got the number for the specialist to ring in the afternoon. I hope I get a appointment soon as this is the worse flare up so far and the two treatments I've been giving for Colitis hasn't done anything to calm down the Flare Up so I feel very anxious and worried. Of course the fact that this Flare Up is extremely painful with cramping and constant stabbing like pains isn't nice to experience pretty much every second I am awake. Days spent curled up on the sofa dosed up with medication/painkillers with a hot water bottle and duvet might seem like a good day to some people but it has pretty much been my routine for the past year so no this isn't fun.

I just feel angry that I was told literally 2 weeks after I was meant to come and have tests as the consultant I saw was worried and concerned at how quickly my Colitis has got worse. Yet they are in no hurry to get me a appointment which is very important to me. For me to actually get better to get my life back to somehow abit more normal and a better routine. For me to not spend every day in a lot of pain and constant toilet trips. I know in England we are VERY lucky to have NHS and free healthcare and I never usually sit and moan about them and all of my operations have been done well and I will always be thankful to all of my Doctors ect but right now ARGHHH. P.S sorry for the moaning!!

Love Katie  xx

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