Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Loosing Weight From Colitis

When I got diagnosed with Colitis, I wasn't even aware or thinking of what it would do to me physically and mentally. I never would of though the reason of me loosing two stone since May is because of my Colitis. I haven't been on any crazy diet or an major exercise routine, I simply have been having alot of trouble with what I can/can't eat. I have been struggling ALOT and I'm awaiting an appointment with a Dietitian as it has got to the point where I am constantly in pain/cramps. It is making me housebound and my anxiety is sky high when I'm out, which lately is becoming a rare occasion. I never ever realized what Colitis would do to be to be honest. I've had IBS since I was 14, so I have always known what a bowel disease is and obviously had similar symptoms with IBS but I wasn't expecting Colitis to make more of a impact to my life than my back condition does. 

So two stone is how much I have lost and its made alot of difference in my appearance which other people notice more than I do. I was never massive but I've always been "curvy" so it isn't like a massive deal but that two stone has made me drop a dress size but because my boobs have kept the same size, tops are still tight around my chest. FINALLY I am in size 14 jeans,for me this is literally amazing, I haven't been able to get into proper jeans since I was 17 because my belly bloats alot so I always have worn jegging type jeans/trousers which don't have a zip/buttons but I actually brought two proper jeans in the past few months from TK MAXX. Even though I cannot wear for a long time because of my bloating and cramps but it does make me feel so much better knowing I can wear jeans for once. Clothes are getting baggy and loose but luckily I like that loose fit tops with a skinny jeans look so I can still wear my tops. Usually loosing two stone to anyone is amazing but I don't know why but I'm not getting excited about it? Because I have lost it quickly down to an Illness it doesn't have them same feeling to if you lost it by exercise ect. The fatigue, lost of appetite, abdominal pains, cramping, bloating and bleeding are a daily symptom from this horrible Colitis and maybe that why I am not happy with loosing weight. I'm getting the comments like "I wish I could loose weight like you", "I wish I had Colitis" ect and those comments are really getting to me. This hasn't been my choice and when people say "Oh I Wish I could have Colitis", I just want to tell them how much it impacts on my life. How can anyone "wish" to have an chronic illnesses just because they want to loose abit of weight? Arghhh some people just haven't got a brain have they!! I have recently brought tops that I would never be brave enough to wear and I suppose the only good to come from this weight lost is that it has made me abit more confidence in my appearance. I have never ever been confident, happy with the way I look or been interested in fashion as I used to just wear clothes to hide my body. I have always worn the skinny jeans with a looser top as I think that suits my body shape the best but having larger boobs makes finding the right top hard. I have found some lovely tops from TK MAXX and H&M lately and even though I have only brought a few, it's making me want to buy more as I kind of feel okay about my body for once. Of course I would love to loose more as I am only human to want to loose more weight like most of us do? But right now I am concentrating on getting my Colitis under control. 

I am due to do an health update post as my last one is nearly a month ago here. Next Month (August) I have got a few appointments so I think I might wait til then to do my health update. I will do some more post relating to my Colitis as it has effected alot of day to day stuff ect. Hope you all are well :) 

Love Katie xx 

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