Wednesday, 3 June 2015

What Motivates/Inspires Me?


I have always struggled with not being very motivated and it takes a lot for something/someone to inspire me. In the last two years I have been making some changes and making myself get better at this. Having two Chronic Illnesses has made me feel very low, depressed and bad anxiety which makes me not motivated or want to do anything ect. Having pain constantly and the side effects from my medication means I'm either feeling out of it, sleepy, sick or headache and that just makes me feel crap if I am totally honest. Naturally when your life isn't going well, people are less motivated so I know I am not the only person but I've learnt to make the most of life so here are four people who motivate me.. 

1. Beth/Mother
Beth is my sister in law, best friend and basically my therapist and my Mother is my best friend as well so they both are the people I need to be around when I'm depressed. Seeing them both not having good luck/illnesses ect but seeing them both carry on and never moaning generally inspires me. My Mother brought me and my Brother up alone and Bethany brought up Ava for two years of her life and done a amazing job as Ava is the most polite amazing little girl, so if they can carry on, keep smiling. never moaning and still both look out for me and make sure I am okay each day then pretty much anyone can be happy. They both make the most of everyday and that alone makes me think I can carry on as they both do if that makes sense. 

2. My Brother
Our Father left when we was very small so basically I have never had an Father figure in my life. My Father was around and we saw him maybe twice a year but I've never had that daughter/dad bond with him. Tommy (my Brother) is 13 months younger than me but because we are close of age I have always looked up to Tommy. He has always been the man of our household and he helps me and My mother so much. I know if I'm ever sad ect that I have got Tommy who gives me tough love but that works. Seeing him working since he was 16 years old, paying his way, having two kids, a wife to be, supporting and providing for his family and being the perfect Daddy makes me sooooo proud and happy and that alone motivates me a lot. I want to make Tommy proud and I would love for him to be an Uncle if I ever had kids. 

3. My Nieces 
These two girls have literally no idea how much they have both changed my life. Ava Lily and Bella Mai make me so proud and being around them is my happy place. Spending the weekend with them in Essex is like a dream if that makes sense because I don't see them much so I make the most of the time when I see them. Ava Lily is my little best friend and she is so grown up but still gives me the most best cuddles ever. Bella Mai is so tiny and beautiful and she melts my heart each time I see her doing something new. I know Ava looks up to me and Bella will so that makes me want to make something out of my life so they are looking up to someone who they inspire/want to be. Although Ava wants to be a Plumber like her daddy haha. Whenever I get low and into a depressed state, I think of these two and that instantly gives me a kick up the but. 

I have some tips which help me. They might be small little things but they mean so much. 

1. Photos/Photo album
For my birthday Bethany done me an photo album with pictures full of my Nieces, Tommy and Beth which is the most thoughtful gift I have ever received. I keep the photo album on display and when I feel crap, no motivation and low I simply get the album and look through it and this totally makes a difference. I also have a few photos in a frame in my bedroom which helps. 

2. Get Writing/Lists 
I have always been an list writer. I have to do "to do" list pretty much for each week ahead/when I go away ect. Writing a list really helps as to have a piece of paper in front of you to remind you of what you need to do does make you do them but don't put too much pressure on yourself! If you haven't completed any takes that day or week then seriously don't worry. when I do a task I need to do and I tick them of my list it does make me motivated. 

3. Blogging 
Although I need a lot of motivation to be able to sit down and write a post but when I finally start writing a post, it does make me want to write more and gives me a lot inspiration. So although it takes time to kick your ass into gear to actually sit down and type but once I'm on Blogger I feel extremely motivated. 

4. Little Steps/Start Small
Don't put too much pressure on yourself when you're really struggling to get motivated. I used to totally do this and I found it to just make things thousands times worse. Since being ill, I have taken a different approach to life. If I don't complete a task/chore/a blog post ect then I simply just say to myself that there is always tomorrow or another day that it can be completed. Life is too short to beat yourself up over small things that really don't matter. Being motivated is obviously a amazing feeling but let be honest just being alive and breathing is what really matters. 

So there are my four people and four tips that help me. I'm not saying I am always motivated because trust me I still get days and even weeks that I struggle a lot with being inspired ect but these people and tips have made a massive difference to my life. Just remember to not put too much pressure on yourself or other people, to be less stressed as possible, be happy and never forget to look after yourself. Being ill has changed me totally but for the better. If any of you have any other tips that help you then please feel free to tweet, Instagram or leave a comment on the blog :) 

Love Katie 

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