Thursday, 5 March 2015

A Diet Challenge - Week 2

Bethany - Slimfast Diet

So needless to say slimfast has not gone very well. I have struggled an awful lot to stick too it temptation just too much and also hunger was too much. And seeing barely any results I had no motivation to stick to it. Feeling a failure, I still needed and want too loose weight. Something that j could stick too. That's right for me. So I took to my iPhone for research and found Raspberry Ketones from Holland and Barrett. I started these on Saturday, you take these one twice a day and control your calories I am easing my way into the calorie part going shopping for healthier foods and gathering recipes ect. Also with the stress of finding a place to move out the calorie planning is taking a little bit of a backseat but I am on it. But I weighed myself yesterday and I have lost a couple pounds since Saturday. This gives me motivation to carry on.  Of course it has its side effects what doesn't.? Without sounding too vile it does increase your wind.. Tho I think this is a small price to pay for seeing the pounds coming off. Therefore my diet has changed to Bethany - Raspberry Ketone Diet 


Katies diet : 
So things haven't gone to plan over the past few weeks. I recently got diagnosed with Colitis and got a appointment in 4 weeks to talk about my food plan ect so I haven't continued with any diet as I have just stuck to the basic foods at the moment. I shall do a blog post soon talking and explaining about Colitis, also if anyone has it or knows about it please leave a comment below or get in contact as I'd love to hear from you. 

Love Beth and Katie xx

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