Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Its November

Hello everyone :) We can't believe it is November already!!

Well October has flown by! It was a month with ups and downs with good news and bad news and with some exciting events. It just went so quick! October is a perfect example of how how quick 2014 is going. So now we say hello to November, a month packed full of exciting events! Including it being Beth's last full month of pregnancy, here is some of the exciting things happening this month...

Bonfire Night ( Giant Sparklers are ready )

Get ready grad your ear defenders, come the 5th there will be bangs everywhere in the form of sparkling bright colours lighting up the sky! As scary as the noise can be no one can deny the enjoyment you get of watching all the bright colours light up the sky. This bonfire night we have some giant sparklers to celebrate the event, being right next to Lego land we get to watch the magnificent fire work display from the back garden. Beth's dad may also be doing fireworks for them when they go and visit this Friday!. 

Beth's last West Ham home game (til after Bella's Birth)

Beth is a big time West Ham United fan. She is also a season ticket attending every home game she can and some away. Being quite a walk ect Beth has been getting lifts directly to ground. However as she increases in size and is less mobile its getting more difficult for her to attend. Therefore Beth will be attending her last game on Saturday 8th November before Bella is born.

Beth,Tommy & Ava Weekend in Essex

Beth, Tommy and Ava are all going to Essex on the weekend of her  last home game at west ham. They are going to visit Beth's parents which they all look forward too. Ava in particular gets very excited to see her other grandparents as she is very close to Beth's dad. A true granddads girl. Beth will be going to West Ham on the Saturday and then on the Sunday they will all be going to London for remembrance Sunday.

Beth's Baby Shower

Its here! The month of Beth's baby shower! An event that we have been planning for a while. We have last minuet shopping to do and baby shower cake ordering! Last minuet bits that add to the build up of and event to celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby Bella Mai. With a tea party theme and lots of games planned, the shower promises to be a good one!

Lots of Bella related stuff : Packing hospital bag, Bella's bag and getting her clothes washed and ready.

OMG its the last full  month of Beth being pregnant! We cant believe it it has gone so fast! Now is the time to get bums in gear and start getting organised. Its the month where everyone will be getting ready for Bella to be born. Beth in particular. She will be washing all Bella's clothes and turning them out ready for her to wear she will then be packing her hospital bag. She does currently have all the bits to go in it, it is just a matter of putting them all in the case. A busy mummy preparing to become a proud mother of two. She is so excited and cant wait to get that bag packed and ready!

Getting decorations and sorting out Ava's 3rd Birthday Party

This time 3 years ago it was Ava's birth Beth was getting ready for. You know what that means, yes Ava's 3rd birthday is coming up! We are all equally excited about this but as Bella's due date is right on top of Ava's birthday Beth don't know where she will be (i.e giving birth) so we are having to make plans for different scenarios. Of course we will be making present plans and cake plans because no matter what we will make sure she has what she deserves. Our gorgeous little girl.

Lots and lots of Christmas Planning. 

Its that time of year. When the 1st November hits the whole world goes into Christmas mode. Everyone gets out their Christmas lists and hit the shops and we are not any different. We are making our Christmas plans and preparing our Christmas gifts. We are also making plans for Christmassy things to do like Christmas biscuits, gingerbread houses mince pie making house decorating and much much more. Tho most of these wont happen until late November early December, there is nothing wrong with us planning :).

That is our packed month ahead. A packed but exciting one. There will be blog posts on each and every one and many more. We hope to provide you with interesting tips and enjoyable reads throughout this month and beyond.

Lots Of Love
Katie & Beth...xxx

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