
Wednesday 15 June 2016

Mischievious Moo's - 1

Children make me laugh especially mine.  They are hilarious. The things they get up to make me laugh more than Lee Evans doing stand up. They are always getting up to something, I'm not talking about one thing a week I mean they are always up to something mischievous but funny every day. Safe to say my life is pretty eventful. I was thinking of doing a new series on what my girls get up too. I want to share my little laughs with all of you. Its good to have a cheerful post. So here we are I am not just thinking of it I'm doing it. Some things I will mention are just things that Bella has learnt to do as I like to keep you all updated.

Bella my little monkey has learnt how to climb! Now she has known how to do this for a while but now her limits have gone sky high, no height fazes her, she has no fear. I caught her climbing on the dining room chair. Pretty normal right? But then she took it to the next level she decided to go on the table and no not sit on it, stand walk and dance around on it. Luckily I have a hatch in my kitchen so I can see what goes on in the front room and I caught her in time. My heart actually stopped. It was in my throat and Bella just found it funny. That's not the end of her climbing antics, she has also found the window ledge, she climbs onto the sofa and the onto the window ledge and stands up, though this is for a rather cute reason, she is looking for her daddy and calls him when she is up at the window, she starts this in the morning and does it on and off until Tommy gets in early evening. Safe to say I need eyes up my bum where Bella's climbing is concerned.

Bella has also managed to find mummy's make up! I knew one day the girls would become curious in make up, they see me do it but I didn't think it would be quite this soon haha. I turned round to find Bella trying to apply red lipstick oh and trying to eat it! After closer inspection I also noticed she managed to paint my bedding red with it too! What a cheeky moo! She knows how to make people laugh, she knows exactly what cracks me and Tommy up at the age 1! she likes to put her shorts on her head and run around like a mad baby, safe to say we was wetting ourselves, not literally of course. Though with my pelvic floors I wouldn't be surprised! ha ha too much info. To Bellas weekly antics we can add her first roly poly which she decided to do in her cot when she was supposed to be asleep. She was awake for two hours after bed time, in this time she had decided to become a gymnastic dancer and told me to go away ha ha, oh and that she wanted daddy. I felt so wanted haha.

Ava, she has had a pretty quiet week for her though she has been coming out with classic Ava comments, saying to me its not "init" its "isn't it" she has also been calling me a melon quite regular too! cheeky moo! She has also adopted another favourite when I tell her off, "just let me do what I want to do" I try not to laugh at this, the way she delivers her one liners are hilarious. Ava loves watching cooking programmes Jamie Oliver ones in particular, she fancies him he is her boyfriend don't you know. Ava thought she would take inspiration from this today and do her own cooking programme using two different flavour yoghurts, she was mixing and pouring and making a bloody mess! I almost fainted when I saw the mess on my dining table ha ha! To be fair it didn't take long to clear up  and she was having fun I suppose, no harm done!


That is it on the antics on my cheeky little moos for this week! I will be turning this into a series, I know this is going on today (weds) but I will be posting this on a Tues weekly.

I hope you enjoyed :) what funny things do your little ones get up too?

Until next time



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