
Tuesday 17 May 2016

Mummy Vs Dummy

Hello our lovely readers,

As mummies and daddies we all have that one enemy that is always trying to get the better of us. Do you all know what I am talking about? yes it is the DUMMY. This fabulous creation that soothes your little one, helps them to sleep, helps them when they are upset and offers that little bit of comfort when we cannot be there. Yes sweet things aren't they, gift sent from heaven. That is until they decide they need a break and do a disappearing act. Now most of them do a temporary disappearing act but you do get the odd one that likes to jump for its life out of the buggy to leave us forever.

Why I am I speaking as If they are a living thing you may be wondering? Well there is just no way my sweet innocent daughter could get these dummies into the nooks and crannies they end up in I mean  how on earth do they get in these places. There are two explanations, either they are alive and have us all fooled or my daughter has the intelligence of Einstein at 16 months. The disappearance of dummies got to me by the time Bella was a year old and I decided to give a Wubbanub a go, they are and American type dummy with a little cuddly toy attached.

Above is Bellas WubbaNub she has the pink bear and she LOVES it. She takes it everywhere, its good its a dummy and cuddly all in one. You can get them from American sites but they can be a bit pricey I get Bellas for around £13 each (that's cheap) from a UK seller on eBay.

You would think this would be harder to loose wouldn't you. WRONG. we had a nightmare last week. We put Bella to bed with her Wubbanub and as by magic in the morning it had vanished, It was like penn and teller had been performing magic tricks in her room. How does that happen?? how is it literally there one minuet and gone the next? it was the strangest thing. It got even stranger when me and Tom searched from top to bottom in all the little nooks and crannies and it was no where to be seen. For a week we were holding hope that It was going to turn up, but I then resigned myself to the fact that the little bear had got up on its little legs and ran away so I ordered her a new one. It seems the threat of being replaced scared the little wubbanub, and poof it popped up. Are you serious? After a week of searching high a low, I order a new one and then there it is sitting in a bag in my living room.

It has since be confirmed that my older daughter put it there, 'she was tidying up' as she told us, bless. Its not yet proven that dummies have a life of their own yet but when news comes to light I will be first one there to hear about it ;) haha.

Thanks for reading


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