
Thursday 6 August 2015

Katie's Health Update #8

image from pinterest

My last health update was in June HERE... I'm really failing with these being every month but lately I haven't had much to update you all on with any of my illnesses. So I thought I would just give a brief update on all of my illnesses.

This has been bad since March and it hasn't really settled down. I have my Consultant on 21st August so not long. I am actually pretty nervous about my appointment as last time I didn't get much answers and basically was told to keep on the Asacol medication. so this time I am due to have Coloscopy which I had in January but I saw a different consultant last time who told me something different so who knows. My flare ups are getting more frequent and painful and have lost two stone since being diagnosed with Colitis so it would be nice to have some more answers. I have got a appointment with a Dietician type doctor who can hopefully help with coming up with a food plan.

I've got to the point of accepting this won't get better but there are ways of making it less painful. Since I have started Gabapentin, I have been in less pain.. obviously nothing is going to get rid of the pain completely but this has helped. I am getting the side effects of this drug badly though which have been making me clumsy, unsteady and feeling dizzy. I have been put on Cyclizine which are anti sickness tablets as the Tramadol I take have been making me very nausea which was making me not want to eat or move so these tablets have helped a lot.

I'm still on 150mg Sertraline and it has made my good really good but my bad really bad so I guess you cannot win either way. I have been referred to Therapy which I was certain I didn't want to do again but after talking to my GP, I felt like now is the right time to see if Therapy will help. My Anxiety hasn't been good in the past few months to be honest and also because I now get anxious about a Colitis flare up when I am in public so it's abit all over the place. As for my Panic Attacks, they are getting better but I don't go out often for a attack to happen so that mainly the reason why I haven't had a bad panic attack in ages. I've been having like little panic attacks at home relating to my health like what if I run out of medication, what if I can't get a GP appointment or what if I forget to take my medication and I know I can't really control that.

I have been having neck, wrist and hip pains which are all connected to my Arthritis. Headaches have been another thing that has been really getting to me lately, I think it might be the mixture of my medication to be honest. My Fatigue has been the biggest struggle of all since my last health update, it hits me at random times even when I feel alert I will just need to sit down. I have finally gotten into a better routine of sleeping as I was getting Insomnia but thank god (touch wood) it has gone. I am now going to bed between 10/12pm and waking up at 7/8am.. and I am literally awake at the same time every single morning and cannot go back to sleep which does mean by lunch time I am totally knackered but I'd rather have that routine than the Insomnia which made me sleep till late in the day.

Apart from my Consultant on 21st August I have one GP appointment which is a double one so its an medication, depression, illnesses and general update. I am really grateful I have an amazing GP and also a few family members who are supportive, understanding and helpful. Of course I still have the odd family negative comments, the down days, the flare up days, the depressed day ect but I am trying to put on a smile and try and make effort by getting dressed and ready each day just to make me feel abit better in myself. I shall do an update after I go to my Consultant, so lets hope I bloody get some answers this time.

Love Katie xx

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