
Thursday 6 August 2015

Bella 7 month update!!!

7 months already! Where has the time gone? She's getting bigger but she is really thriving! 

My baby girl has come along so much and so well, she has taken to weaning like a duck to water and she's starting on lumps really well! 
Baby girl has also started sitting up!! 

AND Crawling....

She is getting cheesier by the day now she's crawling, going near things she knows she shouldn't and giving me her cheeky grin that always melts my heart!! I could help but getting a quick snap before pulling her away! 

Tho she is still small for her age and is still fitting in to 3/6 months with room to spare! She is coming on leaps and bounds. I'm so proud of her she is such a gorgeous baby girl.


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