
Wednesday 5 August 2015

Aunties Buys: H&M Sale

H&M is becoming my favorite shops to buy the girls clothes from. Not only is the price good but the quality of the clothes are lovely. My local H&M is in Windsor and it is a nice medium sized one and there is always a sale area in the children/babies department. Even if there isn't anything in the sales, their clothes are still amazing price. I have gotten alot of summer dresses, tops and leggings from here for the girls this summer and I do prefer it from Primark and Asda. I think H&M do basic stuff well and also do some lovely patterns. The only problem is that they do don't any matching items in both of the girls sizes which is abit annoying as I do love to buy them matching clothes. For Bella I get her 4 months to 6 months in dresses/tops or 3/6 months and for Ava I get 4 years to 6 years size. If I see something in the sale that is a bigger size, I might buy and save it til the girls eventually fit in that size. 

Light Grey Cardigan was £3 from £5.99 and I thought this colour is unusual and an essential item. I got 4-6months, but I think it might be abit too big for Bella as she is a tiny petite baby for her age. I thought even if it is big for Bella now, it will fit her in few weeks/month time which will be when the weather gets colder so this is a well needed item.   

T'res Cool Baby - Now I can't find this online so I'm guessing they have sold out. This little bargain was £3 from £14.99, which is amazing. It has a baby suit thingie underneath so this will be such a cute outfit. As before I got 4-6months and this one does seems like it should fit. 

Leopard Print Trainers - Online these say they are £5 from £7.99 but I got these for £4 which I thought were are bloody bargain. Not something I would pick up for Ava to be honest but they don't have any laces to do up, instead it has a Velcro tab to do the trainer up. Ave is very independent and tries to do everything herself so I thought these trainers were a good idea for her as she will be able to put these on herself. Now I'm not sure Tommy will like these as he is a very fussy person when it comes to what his girls wear haha!! I can just see Ava in skinny jeans, a cool t shirt and these and her sunglasses, she will look beautiful. 

That is my mini H&M sale items I picked up. I also got a top for myself which was also in the sale. They had alot of good sale items at the mo, So I would recommend going to your local H&M store or going online but I have heard alot that the delivery  takes forever but it might of changed. Have any of you gotten any sale items from H&M? I personally will be getting some autumn/winter clothes when it comes out and I do like their clothes for my nieces and myself. 

Love Katie xx 

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