
Thursday 25 June 2015

Bella update!

YIt's been a while since I've updated you all on the lovely Bella Mai and boy has she changed! Bella is now 6 months old and coming along lovely! 


Bella is a happy cheeky 6 month old. She now weighs 14lb which is a bit small for her age but for Bella and her tricky start with her allergy is good and she is putting weight on regular. 

She can now roll over & boy does she love to do that! She rolls around the floor bed and crib! Turning onto her belly to play with her toys! 

She has said her first word!!!  At 5 months old little Bella Mai the genius baby said her first word. She said dada and she could stop saying it after that ha ha. She has since slowed down a bit saying it. I did catch her on video saying it but I can't upload it so below is a snap I took just after posing with her big sister! 

Finally we have started to wean Bella! We had to wait this long too see the dietician for her to tell us what Bella can eat and what milk is disguised as in food and also what foods are suitable. We tried her with baby rice, plain which she hates. We then tried her on plain fruit purées and she loves them so that's what she has for breakfast or she will have cow and gate fruit Musili. We have dug out the dinners that have not got milk in them and started giving her dinners. Here's a pic of her after mealtime...

That's all from us for now about Bella I shall update again in a few more weeks. 


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