
Sunday 12 April 2015

A last minute thought!

So last night I asked Ava what she would like for dinner, as I like to give her choice. When she told me what she wanted I was thrown into the deep end, she said she wanted pizza. I know easy right? But we didn't have any, so I had to use initiative as I didn't want to let her down. I looked through the kitchen cupboard and found some ingredients that I could use to make my own....

Pitta bread and Tomatoe purée.. 

I spread the purée on the pitta..

I then grated some cheese and added it to the pitta..

I then used some ham and a sausage I found in the fridge..

With the pizza built it was time to put it under the grill 

With the homemade and constructed pizza cooked I could cut it and serve it to Ava.. 

Ava thoroughly enjoyed her pizza. Of course you can add whatever toppings you want. This was so quick to make that I would do this again, this little idea I stumbled on. 

Next time your stuck for dinner ideas, look through your cupboards you never know what you may stumble apon & don't disregard anything as being rubish, you don't know how useful it may actually be ...


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