
Monday 26 January 2015

Hospital Bag - Day Surgery

Having quite a fair few operations in my lifetime has meant I now what exactly what I need and don't need to pack for day surgery. Saying that I always take things I don't use just to be safe as you never know if they decide you have to stay in and I think it makes you feel better knowing you have stuff you might need if that makes sense. I just have a rule that I always get new pajamas and slippers for every operation I have purely because I like them to be clean and totally new. My operation in few days I haven't gotten new items as my last one was weeks ago but they have been cleaned washed and not been used since. So here is my checklist of what I pack into my hospital bag for a day surgery. Obviously if your staying it would be totally different but this is just a basic general idea of what to pack anyways...


  • Dressing Gown
  • Pajamas/Nightdress
  • Day Clothes/Causal 
  • Slippers (I prefer ballerina type ones)
  • Underwear and Socks 
  • Toothbrush/Tooth Paste
  • Shower gel/Shampoo/Conditioner (Always save sample sizes for this)
  • My Cleanser with a Flannel 
  • Deodorant/A Fragrant Spray
  • Hairbrush and Hairbands 
  • Baby wipes (Hate them for my face but if needs be I will use)
  • Hand Cream (Soap & Glory one)
Can I just say I never intent to even put make up on but incase I stay in longer ect 
  • Concealer
  • Brow Gel 
  • Mirror
  • Vaseline/Lip Balm
  • Eyelash Curlers
  • Powder

  • Notebook and Pen 
  • Phone Charger 
  • My Medication 
  • Small Amount Of Money (Car Park or the Shop you never know)
  • Magazine/Book (Although I never end up reading)
  • List of Previous Health Problems/Medication (Trust me sometimes they never have it on their notes and when they ask I never remember)
  • My Diary 

And that is it I think. It does sound like a bag you would pack for an overnight in a hotel doesn't it haha but you would be surprise how much you use from that list. On the day I wear jeggings/leggings, a loose top, my coat and Converse which honestly are so important as you feel so tired and weird from the op that when you go home you need comfort in converse when walking to the car. obviously gloves, scarfs  and hat as it is FREEZING. I manage to squeeze all of this into an Louis Vuitton bag which comes with an matching make up type bag so its ideal (this was given to me) I defo wouldn't never afford this haha) kind of similar to this link here. Also used a BIG weekend bags you get from Primark which are only £3/£5 and do this job just as well. I'm sure I will throw in more stuff just as I'm leaving the door haha and I take things I don't but its like a safety thing I get from packing stuff just incase. Is there anything you would or wouldn't pack or have any good tips to pack an hospital bag? 

Love Katie x 

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