
Friday 5 December 2014

Blogmas Day Four

Day 4 of December... 

The day I had loads of plans and ended up in bed with an migraine!!! This always happens when I make plans and always end up getting ill or something happens. So not much has happened at all today. It's my dog Buster 10 years today that we have had him which is emotional as Me, my mother and Tommy got him when we lived in an flat just us three so he is our little baby and means alot to us. I did plan on making Doggie cupcakes but I didn't get round to it. We got him from a dog rescue center in Berkshire which they found him abandoned on a beach in Swansea which upsets me still, how can anyone abandoned a dog?!! They named him Todd but we instantly renamed him "Buster" but his nickname is bums lol!! Tommy and him are best friends and always have been. He was very nervous and scared of ALL men for first few years of getting him but he only loved Tommy so they have this incredible bond. When we moved into a house, my mother & her husband got a little jack Russel and at first we was worried as Buster wasn't around much dogs so we didn't know how they would react but luckily Buster took to Bobby so well and now they wouldn't be apart. I would be lost without Buster, he is the most loyal, funny and amazing dog. 

Buster throughout the years.. 

Sorry blogmas four isn't very exciting but a migraine happened so not much could be done. Tomorrow and the weekend should be excited as it is Ava's 3rd Birthday also me and Beth has spoken about doing some BLOGMAS post together which will be good as it's always good to have her point of view/day on here as her life is much more interesting haha!!! Happy Thursday :) 

Love Katie 

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