
Monday 1 December 2014

Blogmas Day One

Ahhhh how isit 1st December already? I know everyone says it's every single year but this year has flown by!! This month I'm going to do BLOGMAS ( well atempt to ), some might be in the morning telling you what I'm up to like today, or some Christmas themed post or random. Here's my first one... 

This is the first year I haven't got a chocolate advent calendar! Last year I had the Yankee candle one but I didn't repurchase this one this year as I didn't get much use of the little candles from it so I decided not to get any this year. I went into the poundshop and got a small blackboard with a countdown to Christmas which is hanging up in my room so that will do also I have got my two dogs a doggy advent calendar haha!!! Today I'm off to Windsor town with my Mother, mostly tagging along with her as she has some stuff to do there but I'm definitely heading to Costa for a latte before I even start shopping!! I'm suffering with bad insomnia lately which has resulted in me have 40 mins sleep last night so it's fair to say I will be a zombie later on in the day!!! 

Now I'm off to have a bath with Epsom salt in which is amazing stuff. Then to get ready for the day. Hopefully ( if my back allows me to get into the loft) our Christmas tree will be up today. We are usually really early but this year I have been so unorganised. I'm hoping to get a small Christmas tree for my bedroom to make me get into the festive spirit!! 

Happy December and hope all of your December is amazing :) 

Love Katie 

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