
Friday 14 November 2014

36 Weeks Pregnancy Update

OMG 4 weeks left!! This pregnancy is deffo going fast! The excitement of my due date growing nearer is really taking over at tha moment and it's all hand on deck as final preparations are made for Bellas arrival :)

How pregnant are you? 
I'm 36 weeks :)

How many days until due date:
I only have 27 days till I'm due! 

Weight: I still have no idea ha ha

Pregnancy symptoms:  I was sick this morning! And I have back ache 

Stretch Marks: No more than last week! 

Cravings: My cravings have died down a little bit at the moment I'm just getting the urge to snack a lot! 

Movement: Bella is getting very active moving more during the day and not just in the evening! 

Gender: girl 

Sleep: sleeps okay at the moment but my hips are aching in the night due to spd 

Worst moment this week: This weeks been okayish just that I'm still waiting to wash bellas coming tights is frustrating! 

Best moment this week: Best moment this week was putting up Bellas Moses basket stand! I felt so proud of myself 

Nesting: I have been a bit more domestic this week! Getting on one about getting Bellas stuff sorted 

Labour signs: I've had a few tightenings and Bellas been pushing down 

Belly button in or out? In but it's rising! Ha ha 

Wedding rings on or off? Still on :)

Happy or moody most of the time: happy with a bit of moody! Ha ha 

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to getting all my hospital bag sorted! 

Lots Of Love

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