
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Toddler Tuesday

We have decided to do a Tuesday post dedicated to trials and joys of toddlers. As you fellow mums, dads, aunties, uncles, nannies and granddads are all aware toddlers around the age of two start going through the terrible twos tho some are worse than others this time can be very tiring for a parent, but on the flip side toddlers can be the funniest and most loving child there is. 

We only have the experience of Ava who is coming up 3 in December and through the last year her terrible twos have started to develop. Some days her strops will be worse than others but Ava has the habit of cancelling out her naughty behavior by doing something really cute or really good. 

This morning Ava and mummy had some quality bonding time once daddy had set off for work. This was an adorable toddler moment. Mummy and Ava cuddled, laughed and posed for pictures. This mornings bonding also had Ava being funny and cheeky by coping daddy's antics and asking mummy to tickle her back and laughing at herself! Mummy loves mornings like this with her cheeky little girl!

This afternoon we have had a more 'terrible twos' Ava coming across with the answering back, not listening, and doing things she aint meant to do. This is a classic example of terrible two behavior, the way we handle this is to tell her calmly and sternly. We also make use of the 'naughty spot' when we need to and Ava also has a sticker chart in which she responds too nicely. 

Another thing we find great about toddlers is how clever they are, their minds work overtime listening, picking up words and sayings and working out how to do things. We find it amazing how Ava listens to our conversations and repeats them back to us and answers questions that we ask each other. Ava is very independent and has to do most things for herself,  at the age of 2 and half nearly 3 she can take herself to the loo,  pulling her bottoms up and down and cleaning herself afterwards too she needs no assistance, she can also  undress and dress herself, tho she still needs help with buttons on her jeans! To me this behavior shows how clever toddlers are, being able to do these things among other stuff (that i will include in my other Toddler Tuesday posts)  so young shows how quick their little minds work. Sometimes I believe they can give most of us adults to shame!!!

Through all I've mentioned the good, the funny, the cheeky, the naughty and the clever its all these things that make toddlers including Ava themselves and I would never change her for the world. To us she is perfect, we enjoy her cuteness and her funniness and deal with her strops. These are the moments of a child's life not to wish away but to enjoy just like you did when they were small. 

Our toddler Tuesday blogs will involve a lot of rewarding toddler moments and how to challenge the challenging times. Remember, having a toddler is one of the most rewarding things in the world. Just like the general having a child is. 

Hope you all enjoyed reading 

Lots of Love

Katie &&

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