
Friday 17 October 2014

Tears At Bedtime

Hi everyone :) a spontaneous blog from me tonight regarding bedtime for toddlers. I have just spent well over an hour putting Ava to bed tonight trying every trick in the book I know of the end result was me sitting in the room till she fell off to sleep. Ava being a happy character during the day her playing up and being miserable and moody is very unusual. 
 Ava has recently started nursery three days a week, yeah they are half days but for a little toddler this can be very tiring and have noticed since attending nursery which is making her more tired, bedtime has become more difficult. Also with a new baby on the way this could be Ava's way of acting out as she hasn't acted out about Bella coming yet. 
 Tonight me and Tom tried many of things to settle and calm Ava down including things I had learnt on the old TV show Supernanny and shows such as This Morning. Things we tried were:

1. Explaining what mummy and daddy are leaving the room to do. 
2. Reading her a bedtime story (she has one every night) and giving it to her to take to bed.
3. Singing her lullabies. 
4. Explaining that mummy and daddy will be coming upstairs later. 
5.Explaining that she got to be a big girl as her baby sister needs to learn from her.
6. Leaving the room and keep putting her back into bed when she got out starting off saying its bedtime Ava to just putting her back into bed without a word. 

None of these things worked with Ava and she eventually went off to sleep with me rocking her and sitting next to her bed and generally just being the room. Now many of people may say I shouldn't have caved in but when your nearly 8 months pregnant and your partners not feeling his best you cant keep it up for hours and yes Ava did win.... tonight. This is not to mean that we wont persevere tomorrow when we both feel a bit better. I want to tell mums and dads out there that have given in to not feel like you have failed or that people have the right to judge and comment should you tell them because no two children are the same not all will think they can do it every night and some will adapt 'tomorrow' night. You have not failed if you need to take the 'easy' option one night to get a little bit of well deserved rest. 


There is no right way to parent remember this, as a lot of people like to hint that there is but most of time that will be people who have never had children and believe me I have met a few myself! You will always find your own way to parent which will be the right way for you and your child. Even if you have more than one child you may parent them both different (without treating them different) as parenting styles depend on the child themselves. No two children are the same. And some children play up for different reasons maybe some change is occurring in their life this should be take into account. A thought that should be remembered. Look at it this way, children at school meet different milestones at different times, babies crawl, walk, talk and cut teeth at different times. Behavior works the same. So find your way that is right for your child and that will be the 'right way' don't listen to the opinions of others listen to your child and believe in your self and your parenting style. 


Keep your ears closed, your eyes open and your head clear. Free your mind of negativity and keep calm, keep on top of the situation and do whats right for your family how you think is right. Follow your own instincts your mothers instinct or fathers instinct because instinct is usually correct. Ignore the noses of nosey people with negative views and concentrate on your life and your family. Most of all be happy and enjoy it. 

Thank you all for reading hope it helped more to come at later dates and enjoy our blog:) 

Take care 

Beth x

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