
Saturday 25 October 2014

Katie's Health Update #1

Hello everyone. I thought I would start a weekly update on my health as it is something that has a massive impact to my life and I'm in the very early stages of my illness. 
This week my sleep has been affected so much, no matter how much or less I get, I wake up feeling constantly tired :(

Head over here to read my story on my illness!! 

I had a Doctor's appointment to collect a prescription as Tramadol can't be put onto my repeat prescription list soI go once a month to collect that and also just a general talk about how I'm getting on ect. I explained to my Doctor that I haven't heard from Physio yet and the medication called Amitriptlyline which I have taken since July, haven't done what their meant to do. As Im under a specialist my Doctor can't take or put me on a certain medication. So My GP has written to my Specialist to see if its okay for me to come off Amitiriptyline and to go one another tablet and also to chase up my physio. After the Doctor's, I walked into town for breakfast and shopping with Ava & My Mother then We met Beth, Tommy and my Cousin Jimmy near the river to feed the ducks. I stupidly forget to take out my painkillers so I was aching alot. I came home and took it easy for the rest of the day. With a hot water bottle and painkillers. 

Me, Beth, Ava and my Mother had a "Lazy Day" so we wore our comfy clothes sitting in the lounge with a hot water bottle eating loads of treats so we didn't do much. My back was okay during the day due to rest, hot water bottle and painkillers. 

I had Ava for the day which I blogged about here, so done alot of walking to and from her school and to the shops. Before I started having back problems walking was not a problem but now too much can make my back worse but a small stroll is good for the pain so I try and not over do it. I try and not take too many painkillers during the day as Im up, about and playing with Ava so I don't want to be feeling the effects from the painkillers. I'm running out of Co-Codamol very soon so I must remind myself to pop in the repeat prescription to the chemist. 

I felt okay during the morning then in the afternoon myself and Beth walked Ava to school, pop to the shops and the chemist and during the walk I started to ache alot. When me and Beth got back we only had time for quick lunch before going back to collect Ava. Needless to say in the evening  I was feeling the impact of walking alot. I get pains down my bottom and back of legs and obviously my back. Popped into bed early with painkillers and a hot water bottle. 

After a bad night of hardly any sleep due to pain I was feeling rough this morning. I gotten up quite early, tidied my room ect and off I went to drop Ava to school with my Mother, I didn't actually ache but most probably due to the fact I only just took painkillers few mins before we set off. It was the walk to collect Ava that killed, with Beth being 7 Months pregnant and me with my back its safe to say we was a mess haha. Both was in soooo much pain, we took the longest and slowest walk on the way back. Usually takes 10/15 mins but it took us 30 mins due to we was plodding along slowly lol. In the evening soon as Beth left to go to Essex I sat in bed with laptop and hot water bottle. I cannot wait to have a early night tonight!! 

After a bad night of hardly any sleep, I woken up pretty late and spent most of the day laying in bed and being very lazy as it was just myself and my Mother at home today. I fell asleep about 3ish and woken up at 6ish with a very aching back due to the fact I slept in the most awkward position. It's been a cold, boring and painful day and going to try and have a early night as tomorrow I'm off to Essex to spend Bethany 21st birthday with her and her family. I feel sooo drained with the lack of sleep I'm getting this week GRRR. 

Thats my first weekly health update, next week it will be from Sunday (Tomorrow) til Friday. Next week it is a busy busy week with hospital for most of my family actually, with Beth got hospital on Tuesday and my brother is working so I'm going with her, on Wednesday I have a small operation which is to do with my ovaries/womb so will be feeling abit sore for few days, on Thursday my mother has consultant as she recently had a operation and finally on Friday I have just a general doctors appointment so its a busy week. I haven't really got any further in finding the right medication for me as this week was told Im being taking off my Amitriptlyline soon as its not working for me. 

Hopefully I will be giving the new medication soon or early next month so I can get better quickly. With anyone with this condition or anything similar you are not alone :)

Love Katie xx 

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