
Wednesday 29 October 2014

Having A Colposcopy

Today I had an Colposcopy as a few month's ago I had some bleeding and my GP found a Polyp on my cervix on a routine internal so the GP forward me onto the Colposcopy clinic. During the time of waiting for this appointment I have stopped bleeding so I wasn't too concerned or worried. Off I went to my local hospital today and stupidly the Colposcopy clinic is right next to the labour ward so the waiting room as so busy and loud but to be honest it took away my nerves. I was called early to my appointment so literally only just sat down to wait. As I walked into the room, I saw this chair with padded support to put your legs on and all this camera equipment and I started to feel scared. The gynecologist went through my medical history and talked me through what was going to happen. So of I went and took my bottom half clothing off, luckily I was wearing dress and tights so at least my dress was kept on. I sat down on this chair and was giving a sheet to put over my private/leg area and I put both legs on those padded leg rest and the gyne pressed a button to make the chair high. She told me to "relax" which is the stupidest thing to say as it is almost impossible to. She inserted a speculum which I've had loads of times before I knew what to expected,It's not painful but is very uncomfortable. Then she inserted an Colposcope to examine my cervix and on the screen next to me I could see inside me which was very strange image. She done some swabbing and other stuff which was very uncomfortable but the pain was sort of okay. Then the gyne found something she was concerned about and wanted to remove it to be sent of for a biopsy. She pre warned me it was going to be abit painful but OH MY GOD. I saw the scissor instrument thing she was using and Jesus it was big..I was looking at the screen when she inserted it. It stung so much and then she had to take more from it and done it again. It was like a one of pain but I was close to tears. Not only was the way I was laying down was making my back hurt but I felt so uncomfortable down there. She removed the speculum and I got up and put my tights back on. I felt so sore and pain down there and similar to a period pain but alot worse. The Gyne explained how I will be bleeding down there for a few weeks and not to get my cervix wet so no swimming or baths for 7 days but can have a shower. As I was walking back to the car I started feeling more pain and started crying as the pain while walking came on all of a sudden and because I didn't expect pain like that I didn't prepare myself. I will be getting a letter in two weeks for my results of the biopsy and to go to my GP when I have the letter so my GP can explain everything. So fingers crossed that nothing is wrong. 

On the way home from the hospital we got caught in alot of traffic and I just wanted to get home, put my pj's on and lay down. Finally after 40 mins in traffic, I got home and instantly got into my pj's and now laying on the sofa feeling very sore and in pain. I've took my normal painkillers I take for my back but the pain hasn't really settled and have got a hot water bottle. The nurse told me to rest for 24 hours and try not to do much but it's really hard to just sit down and not do anything. Thank god I can blog and spend the afternoon on the laptop. I shall update you all on the biopsy results.

Now I shall continue being in pain while looking at my wish list for Christmas haha. 

Love Katie xx  

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