
Friday 31 October 2014

34 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Here is my week 34 update! a fairly calm week to be honest, just the excitement of my birthday and the added excitement of the fact the birth of baby Bella is getting closer!! And I still need too pack my hospital bag!! shall be getting on that this week... Hope You Enjoy... 

Week 34!!!

34 Weeks pregnant

How pregnant are you? I am very pregnant at 34 weeks!!

How many days until due date: I have 41 Days till I am due! So excited!1

Weight: I don't know how much I weigh

Pregnancy symptoms: I have been diagnosed with SPD so i guess you could call it a pregnancy symptom along with back ache.  

Stretch Marks: My bump is currently filling out with stretch marks :) 

Cravings: I have been craving chocolate still and been  eating a lot of cheese and pickle sandwiches 

Movement: Bella is a little wriggler and has been moving a lot especially when it comes to the evening!

Gender: She is still a baby girl :)

Sleep: I have had disturbed sleep again but that is down to SPD. 

Worst moment this week: Worst moment this week is when I didn't sleep a wink, I woke up with the biggest mood on ever!

Best moment this week:  Best moment this week was getting answers to why I've been  so uncomfortable and getting the wheels in motion to get my SPD sorted it. 

Nesting: Could say I have been nesting buy having a little day of housework. 

Labour signs: I have had tightnings a couple times this week.

Belly button in or out: My belly button is still in.

Wedding rings on or off: My engagement ring is still well on my finger. 

Happy or moody most of the time: I believe my mood has been good this week apart from the odd moody day.

Looking forward to: Im looking forward to packing my hospital bag so exciting!!

Thats my weekly update thank you for reading! Hope you all enjoyed :) 

Lots of Love

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