
Friday 10 October 2014

31 Weeks Pregnancy Update

From our last post me (Beth) is currently expecting a gorgeous little girl. As we have just begun our blog the updates will start from 31 weeks, but don't worry there will be loads of post about pregnancy and  what to expect going into labour and life with a newborn. 

Last 4D Scan - 27 weeks.

How pregnant are you? I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and beaming with excitement :)

How many days until due date: I have 62 days left until I'm due:)

Weight: I weigh approx 11 stone just over.

Pregnancy symptoms: I am starting to get back ache and fatigue, heartburn and a little bit of sickness coming back, but all in all I feel good :)  

Stretch Marks: I've had a couple of new little stretch marks appear on the end of my old ones from my previous pregnancy

Cravings: At the moment Im strongly craving burgers, peanut butter and chocolate!!

Movement: Baby moves all the time she gets really active of and evening and night being really wriggly its the best feeling.

Gender: Im having a little girl. 

Sleep: I've been managing to sleep okay though Im getting bigger and finding it a little more less comfy though Im still managing to get a decent nights sleep.

Worst moment this week: The worst moment this week was when the smell of my lunch made me feel really sick for about half hour leaving me hungry and ready for my dinner in the evening!! 

Best moment this week: The best moment this week was last night her movements were really really strong and wriggly I loved the feeling and look forward to feeling her move every night. 

Nesting: I haven't been nesting as such though mess is getting to me more now so it wont be long!

Labour signs: Thank god I haven't had any labour signs yet this early but I have had a couple of braxton hicks I think.

Belly button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on.

Happy or moody most of the time: I like to say happy but my partner may say hormones get the better of me sometimes!!

Looking forward to: Im look forward to each week and the build up to her being born. 

Love Beth

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